23.1 Settings Menu

Creating Limited Access Screens

Overview 23.2 Creating Limited Access Screens

Steps 23.2.1 Procedure - Creating Limited Access Screens


Limiting Screen Access by Authority

Overview 23.3 Limiting Screen Access by Authority

Steps 23.3.1 Procedure - Limiting Screen Access by Authority


Disable All Touch Operations Based on Timing

Overview 23.4 Disable All Touch Operations Based on Timing

Steps 23.4.1 Procedure - Disable All Touch Operations Based on Timing


Creating a Screen with Limited Access Parts

Overview 23.5 Creating a Screen with Limited Access Parts

Steps 23.5.1 Procedure - Creating a Screen with Limited Access Parts


Show or Hide Parts and Drawings for Specific Users

Overview 23.6 Show or Hide Parts and Drawings for Specific Users

Steps 23.6.1 Procedure - Show or Hide Parts and Drawings for Specific Users


Save Operation History

Overview 23.7 Save Operation History

Steps 23.7.1 Procedure - Saving Operation History

Saves the operation log in CSV format in the external storage.


Changing the password from the password change screen

Overview 23.8 Changing Passwords Online

Procedure - 23.8.1 Changing the Password from the Password Change Screen

Operation - 23.8.2 Changing the Password from the Password Change Screen


Changing the password using a CSV file

Overview 23.8 Editing Passwords Online

Procedure 23.8.3 Procedure - Changing the Password using a CSV File


Login Using Fingerprint Recognition

Overview 23.9 Login Using Fingerprint Recognition

Procedure 23.9.1 Procedure - Registering fingerprints using the Fingerprint Recognition Setting Tool

Procedure 23.9.2 Procedure - Registering fingerprints online

Login using your Fingerprint.