26.22 Searching and Sorting Enhanced Recipe Data

You can select recipe labels displayed on the Enhanced Recipe List to perform a refined search or sort.

26.22.1 Procedure - Searching and Sorting Enhanced Recipe Data

26.22.2 Operation - Searching and Sorting Enhanced Recipe Data

Refine Search

Touching the first row on the Enhanced Recipe List (the area outside of triangles , and) displays an option from the selected recipe label.

  1. Use the keypad to refine the search for recipe labels that contain "bread".

  2. Display "French bread" and "Sliced bread" from recipe labels.


Touching a triangle in the Enhanced Recipe List's first row sorts the recipe labels.

Each touch changes the sort order from recipe ID to descending order, to ascending order, and back to recipe ID.

  1. Sort by recipe ID

  2. Sort recipe labels in ascending order [A->Z]

  3. Sort recipe labels in descending order [Z->A]