26.26.1 Enhanced Recipe List / Enhanced Recipe Data List

The following describes the two parts of the enhanced recipe.

Enhanced Recipe List

Lists recipe labels in the specified recipe group.

You can use the Enhanced Recipe List for the following three functions.

  1. Search/sort touch area
    Touching one of the triangles (, or ) sorts recipe labels in the display.
    Each touch changes the sort order from recipe ID to descending order, to ascending order, and back to recipe ID.

    • The following section lists models that support a refined search/sort.
      1.5 Supported Features

    • When running both refine search and sort, the first row displays either [Refine Search Keyword & A->Z] or [Refine Search Keyword & Z->A].

    • While recipe labels are being sorted, the first row shows [Processing]. While recipe labels are being edited, copied, deleted, transferred, or received, the first row shows [Processing].

  2. Recipe Label List
    Touching a recipe label and then [EDIT] displays a keypad, which enables you to edit the recipe.

  3. Special Switch
    Use this switch to operate the Enhanced Recipe List. Please refer to the operation of each switch for details. Special Switch - Switch Features

Enhanced Recipe Data List

Lists the data (element values) and element labels for specified recipes. You can edit element values through touch.

  1. Element Labels

    • You cannot edit element labels on the display unit. Use GP-Pro EX for editing these.

  2. Element Values
    Touching a cell displays a keypad for editing.

  3. Special Switch
    This switch is used to operate the Enhanced Recipe Data List. Please refer to the operation of each switch for details. Special Switch - Switch Features