The following procedure describes how to select recipe labels displayed on the Enhanced Recipe List to perform a refined search or sort.
Please refer to the Settings Guide for details.
26.24 Enhanced Recipe List Settings Guide
For more details on system variables, refer to the following.
A.2.2 HMI System Variables - #H System Variables
Draw the Enhanced Recipe List. On the [Parts] menu, point to [Enhanced Recipe] and select [Enhanced Recipe List] or click to draw the list on the screen.
Double-click the Enhanced Recipe List to display the following dialog box.
Select the [Refine Search / Sort] check box.
In the [Default Sort Order (#H_RecipeLabelSortType)] area, select the default sort order option.
Open the [Display Settings] tab. Set the font type and size.
Select the [Color] tab and set the text and background colors. In the [Refine Search / Sort row] area, specify the character color and background color for the first row.
Click [OK].