



 How can I configure the Alarm Analysis setting?

To configure the Alarm Analysis setting, follow the steps below.
(Click each text, and its setting procedure will appear.)

I. Configure the Alarm setting
II. Configure the Alarm parts setting
III. Configure the setting of Alarm Analysis for some functions
(The setting items differ depending on a function.)
To display a trend graph
To display sampled data (numerical values)
To display operation log

- The Alarm Analysis function is supported by GP4000 series except GP-4*01TW/4*01WW.
For details of the supported models, see [Supported Features] in Chapter 1 of GP-Pro EX Reference Manual.
- To use the Alarm Analysis function, it’s necessary to select [History] for [Display Mode] in the Alarm Parts setting. If [Log] or [Active] is selected, the function will not operate.



What is the Alarm Analysis function?
  GP-Pro EX Reference Manual [Alarm Analysis for Operation Log and Sampling]
■ Setting Procedure ■
I. Alarm Setting
Click [Alarm] on the [Common Settings] menu and register a message to be displayed when an alarm is triggered.

GP-Pro EX Reference Manual, [Procedure – Acknowledging Alarm History/Bit Monitoring]

II. Alarm Parts Setting
1. Open the base screen. Click [Alarm] on the [Parts] menu and place a part.
2. Double click the placed Alarm part, and the setting dialog box will appear.
Specify a block to be displayed on the Alarm part and select [History] for [Display Mode].
To use the Alarm Analysis function, it’s necessary to select [History] for [Display Mode] in the Alarm Parts setting. If [Log] or [Active] is selected, the function will not operate.
3. Set an Alarm operation switch in either way of the followings.

Select the [Switch] tab. Check [Start] and [Analyze (Trigger Time)].

- Click [Parts]->[Switch Lamp]->[Special Switch] and select [Alarm History Switch] for [Special Action], [Alarm Analysis] for [Action], and [Analyze (Trigger Time) for [Details].

GP-Pro EX Reference Manual [Show History – Switch Settings]

  GP-Pro EX Reference Manual [Special Switch – Switch Features]
* Configure the other settings of the Alarm Part as you like.

GP-Pro EX Reference Manual [Alarm Parts Settings Guide]

4. Click [OK] to confirm the Alarm Part setting.
III. Configure the setting of Alarm Analysis for some functions
To display a trend graph
To display sampled data (numerical values)
To display operation log
(Click each text, and its setting procedure will appear.)

[ Sampling Setting ]
1. Click [Sampling] on the [Common Settings] menu and configure the setting for collecting data.

GP-Pro EX Reference Manual [Sampling]

Click [Alarm Analysis Settings] and check the group number targeted for Alarm Analysis.
Also, specify the [Analysis Screen] number to be displayed at the time of an Alarm Analysis operation.
  <Setting Example> Group Number [3], Analysis Screen Number [8000]
3. Select the [Mode] tab of Sampling and click [Extended Settings].
Make sure [Add Time Data] is checked.

The sampling group, for which an Analysis Screen number is not specified in the [Sample] setting on [Common Settings] or [Add Time Data] is not checked in [Extended Settings] of [Mode], is not displayed as an analysis target.

4. Make sure that [Retain Sampling Data (SRAM)] is checked on the [Mode] tab.
5. Check [Back Up Sampling Data] on the [Mode] tab.

When [Back Up Sampling Data] is checked, if you use the Alarm Analysis function only, you don’t need a SD card/a USB storage device.
Only when you back up the data saved in SRAM, you need a SD card/a USB storage device for the touch operator interface unit. (Data are saved in a binary format file.)

  The Sampling setting is now completed.
Go to the next for the data you’d like to display for Alarm Analysis.

To display a trend graph
To display sampled data
(numerical values)
Sampling Setting < completed >

Historical Trend Graph Parts Setting
Sampling Setting < completed >

Sampling Data Display Parts Setting

[ Historical Trend Graph Parts Setting ]

Create a base screen with the number specified for [Analysis Screen] in the step 2 of the Sampling Setting above. Click [New Screen] on the [Screen] menu and create a base screen.
(If you have already created a base screen, open the screen.)

  <Setting Example> Analysis Screen Number [8000]
2. Click [Historical Trend Graph] on the [Parts] menu and place the Part on the base screen created in the step 1.
3. Double click the placed Historical Trend Graph. The setting dialog box appears.
Click the [Graph] tab and set the group number specified in the step 2 of the Sampling Setting above for [Group Number].

<Setting Example> Group Number [3]
4. Click [Channel Settings] and select an address for trend graph display.
5. Click the [Display Historical Data] tab and check [Display Historical Data].
* Configure the other settings of the Historical Trend Graph Part as you like.

GP-Pro EX Reference Manual [Procedure - Using Trend Graphs]

6. Click [OK] to confirm the setting.

[ Sampling Data Display Parts Setting ]

Create a base screen with the number specified for [Analysis Screen] in the step 2 of the Sampling Setting above.

  <Setting Example> Analysis Screen Number [8000]
2. Click [Sampling Data Display] on the [Parts] menu and place the Part on the base screen created in the step 1.
3. Double click the placed Sampling Data Display. The setting dialog box appears.
Click the [Basic] tab and set the group number specified in the step 2 of the Sampling Setting for [Group Number].

<Setting Example> Group Number [3]
* Configure the other settings of the Sampling Data Display Part as you like.

GP-Pro EX Reference Manual [Procedure - Displaying Sampled Data]

6. Click [OK] to confirm the setting.

[ Operation Log Setting ]
1. Click [Operation Log Settings] on the [Common Settings] menu and check [Enable Operation Log Function].
2. In the field of [CSV Format], select

Date: Except mm/dd
Hours: 24:00:00

If the Date of [CSV Format] is set to [mm/dd], the data targeted for Analysis will not be displayed. And if the Hours of [CSV Format] is set to [12:00:00], it will be recognized as AM (before noon).

* Configure the other settings of Operation Log if needed.

GP-Pro EX Reference Manual [Save Operation History]


■ What’s "Analysis Screen"?
The "Analysis Screen" is a screen of Historical Trend Graph, Sampling Data Display, or Operation Log, which is displayed at the time of alarm analysis.
The [Analysis Screen] number specified in the Alarm Analysis Screen Settings of Sampling Setting is the display screen number at the time when Alarm Analysis is executed. See below.
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