



 Can I turn off the screen of the touch operator interface after a certain period of time?

When you don’t operate the screen of the touch operator interface for a certain period of time, you can get the screen turned off automatically by using the [Standby mode] function.

Configure this setting in either way below;
  • Offline Screen of the touch operator interface (-> Setting Procedure)
  • Setting on GP-Pro EX (-> Setting Procedure)
    * After changing the setting, you need to re-transfer the project file.


If you configure the dimmer setting on the offline screen only, the setting on GP-Pro EX is overwritten when the project file is re-transferred. (The setting is disabled if the standby mode is not set.)
If you re-transfer the project file, we recommend you to set the dimmer function also on GP-Pro EX.


Reference: Can I turn off the screen of the touch operator interface after a certain period of time
                Can I reduce power consumption of the touch operator interface?

<Setting on Offline Screen>
1. Go to offline mode and touch [Display Unit] on the item changeover switch.
2. Touch [Screen Settings].
3. Set [Standby Mode Settings] to [Screen OFF].
4. Touch the [Standby Mode Settings] field to display the tenkey pad. Enter a period of time until entering the standby mode as you like and touch the [ENT] key.

<Setting Example>
If you want to erase the screen 10 minutes after the last touch screen operation, enter [10].
5. [Exit] displays the [Exit] dialog box. Touch [Save changes and exit].
6. [Save File] dialog box appears and then the touch operator interface restarts automatically. The setting is complete.

<Setting on GP-Pro EX>
1. Click [System Settings]->[Display Unit] on the [Project] menu of GP-Pro EX.
2. Select the [Display Settings] tab.
3. Set [Standby Mode] to [Screen OFF] and enter a period of time until entering the standby mode for [Standby Mode Time] as you like.

<Setting Example>
If you want to erase the screen 10 minutes after the last touch screen operation, enter [10].
4. Click [Save] on the [Project] menu to save changes.
5. Transfer the changed project file to the touch operator interface.
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