Project Information - File Information

Displays project file information.

File Name

Displays a project file name.

Last Saved

Displays the year, date, day of the week, and time when the last project file was saved.

The format is [Day of the week], [Month], [Date], [Time (hh:mm:ss)], and [Year].


Set the name of the project file creator. You can input up to 30 characters.


Set a comment for the project file. You can input up to 60 characters.

Enable Expert Mode

Select whether to enable Expert Mode.

When the Expert Mode is enabled, the position of the Layer Separator can be changed. When multiple objects are disposed in the Front Layer, the display speed becomes slow; therefore, it is used for cases in which you wish to move objects to the Base Layer or for cases in which you wish to set the animation feature to the object disposed in the Base Layer.

Please refer to the following for the Layer Separator.

21.8 About Object Position and the Layer Separator When Setting Up Animation