


Otasuke FAQ's Book
 Basic Screen Tutorial
  Frist round For creating an alarm screen
 2.Let us actually draw a picture !
 1-5) Place Q tag selection key
  Finally place [Q tag selection key] such as [Start], [Up], or [Down].
1.Draw a switch on the screen in which Q tag is placed.
2.Select the [T tag] icon,
3.Draw a switch on the screen in which Q tag is placed.
    Select [Special], and click [Q tag selection key].
4.Select the type of a switch to be created.
•Q tag selection key types
The function names and the actions of Q tag selection key will be introduced in the table below. It's not necessary to place all types of Q tag selection key. Place the key you like. (However, the [Start] key is always necessary.)
[Start] This key begins operations of Alarm. Pressing this key causes a cursor to appear in the Q tag display area. Before using other Q tag selection keys, be sure to touch the [Start] key.→Freeze Mode
[Finish] This key ends key entry operations as the cursor disappears.
[Ack] [Ack] Make the [Ack] state for Alarm Message.Select alarm messages and touch the [Ack] key, and you'll be able to change the color of the alarm messages into the [Ack] color and display the Ack time. (When selecting History, Log)
[Ack All] All alarm messages displayed in Q tag become the Ack state.
[Move] [Up] All alarm messages displayed in Q tag become the Ack state.
[Down] Moves the cursor up by one line.
[Roll Up] With this key, the specified number of lines' display data will be rolled up.
[Roll Down] With this key, the specified number of lines' display data will be rolled down.
[Clear] [Delete] Erases the selected alarm messages.
[Delete All] Erases the all displayed alarm messages.
[Clear Recovered Alarm] Deletes the selected acknowledged alarm messages.
[Clear Acknowledged Alarm] Deletes the selected acknowledged alarm messages.
[Clear All Recovered Alarms] Deletes all recovered alarm messages.
[Clear All Acknowledged Alarms] Deletes all acknowledged alarm messages.
[Clear All Numbers] Used when Extended Function of Q tag is used.
As for the details, refer to Application.
[Clear Option Number]
[Clear All Times]
[Clear Option Time]
[Sort] [Sort Date] Used when Extended Function of Q tag is used.
As for the details, refer to Application.
[Sort Number]
[Sort All Time]
[Sort Alarm]
[Sort Level & Date]
[Sort Level & Number]
[Sort Reverse Alarm]
[Sub-display] Used when displaying the detailed screen according to each alarm.
[Alarm information acquisition] Used when Extended Function of Q tag is used.
As for the details, refer to Application.
5.Click [OK], put T tag over the picture of the switch created in ?.
That's all for the settings of Q tag selection key.
  1-4 Place Q tag   Procedure Document List   1-6 Transfer to GP  
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