You can save system and application errors displayed in WinGP as log files. Every time an error occurs, the date and time, type (Error/Warning), and error message is saved to the file.
You can save up to 1000 error messages in the log file.
Format of the error log file
Example: When log filename "Test200607141618_0.log" is opened as text
Date Time Type Error Message |
2006/07/14,16:18:59.563,ERROR,osKRboot1[c:\runtime_Desktop\win\power\src\pw_main.cpp:831] 2006/07/14,17:26:30.062,WARNING,RHAA070:PLC1:Cable is not connected (or PLC power is OFF) ... |
Error messages are written one by one to the file. However, if an error occurs within 10 minutes of the previous write, error messages are collected and when 10 minutes have elapsed all the error messages are written to the file in a single step. Collected error messages are also written to the file when exiting WinGP.
38.8.1 Procedure - Keep History of Error Messages Displayed in WinGP