38.8.1 Procedure - Keep History of Error Messages Displayed in WinGP

  1. From the [Project] menu, click [System Settings]-[Display Unit] then open the [WinGP Settings] tab.

  2. Select the [Save Error Message] check box and in the [Save in] list select where to save error messages. (For example, CF Card)

  3. In the [Number of Stored Items] field define how many errors to save in one file.
    In the [Number of Files to Save] field define how many total files to save in the folder.
    After a file reaches the error limit, the system automatically creates the next file. Once all the log files are created in the folder, the oldest file is deleted and a new log file is created for new error messages.

  4. In the [File Name] field, type 0 to 16 single-byte characters for the file name. (Example: Test)
    The file name is defined using the following.

(Arbitrary file name) [Date-time]_[ID].[Extension]

Date-Time: yyyymmddhhmm

ID: This is the File ID, allocated automatically using a value from zero to the [Number of Files to Save].

Extension: "log"

For example, when the date is 2006, January 14 4:18 PM, the file name is: "Test200607141618_0.log"