Utility - Address Block Conversion

Converts the sequential addresses specified in a project. There are two conversion methods: [Whole Project] converts the addresses in the whole project as a block, and [Individual Settings] converts the selected target screens or features.

Whole Project

Address Type

Select the address type to convert as [Bit] or [Word].

Address To Convert

Set the Start Address on the left and End Address on the right as the range of sequential addresses to be converted.

Address After Conversion

Select the Start Address after conversion.

Converted Items

Displays the target to be converted.

Whole Project

Display this when converting all the addresses in a project file.


Goes to the mode that sets the selected target individually.



Sets the target conversion address screens individually and converts them.


Select the block of target screens to convert.

Current Screen

Converts addresses as a block only for the screens that are currently being edited.

Select All Screens

Selects all the screens in one operation. Selects all the check boxes that are available when you select [Screen] in the [Converted Items] list.

Base Screen

Set whether or not to include Base Screens.

Start Screen

Set the start screen number of the Base Screens from 1 to 9999.

End Screen

Set the end screen number of the Base Screens from 1 to 9999.

Window Screen

Set whether or not to include Window Screens.

Start Screen

Set the start screen number of the Window Screens from 1 to 2000.

End Screen

Set the end screen number of the Window Screens from 1 to 2000.


Determines whether to include the keypad screen in the conversion.

Start Screen

Set the start number of keypad screens from 1 to 8999.

End Screen

Set the end number of keypad screens from 1 to 8999.

Image Unit Window

Set whether or not to include image unit windows.

Start Screen

Specifies the first image unit window number for conversion, from 1 to 512.

End Screen

Specifies the last image unit window number for conversion, from 1 to 512.

Global Functions

Set whether or not to include addresses used in Global Functions in the conversion.


Set whether or not to include the addresses specified for Headers/Footers among the conversion.


Determines whether to include the logic screen in the conversion.


Choose the alarm features to include in the block conversion from [Alarm History], [Banner Message], [Alarm Summary], and [Common Settings].

Select All

Run block conversion on all the alarm features. Select all the alarm check boxes available when [Alarm] is selected in the [Converted Items] list.

Common Settings

In [Common Settings], other than [Alarm], select the features to convert from [Sampling], [Enhanced Recipe], [Recipe], [Security], [Operation Log], [Time Schedule], [Sound], [Text Table], [Global D-Script], [Extended Script], [User Defined Functions], [Clock Update Settings], [Backlight Color Settings], or [Symbol Variable].

Select All

Runs block conversion on all Common Settings except alarms. Selects all the check boxes that become available when [Common] is selected in the [Converted Items] list.