Special Operation - Selector List Settings

Special Action

Select the Special action.

This is the same as the Switch attached to a Window part which triggers the Window. Press the Switch and the designated Window displays. Press it again and the Window closes.

This is the same as the Switch that is attached to the Alarm part. This creates a Switch to manage (Acknowledge/Move/Clear) the displayed Alarm History.
Alarm History Switch

Creates a switch that operates the alarm history (acknowledge and clear etc) by specified block unit.
Alarm History Switch (Block)

This is the same as the Switch that is attached to the Text Alarm part. Creates a Switch to show the displayed Text Alarm's scroll or Sub Screen.
Text Alarm Switch

This is the same as the Switch that is attached to the Historical Trend Graph. Creates a Switch to display and scroll through historical data.
Historical Trend Graph Switch

This is the same as the Switch that is attached to the Sampling Data Display part. Creates a Switch to operate a Sampling Data Display. 
Sampling Data Display Switch

When multiple display units are connected to one PLC via GP-Viewer EX or Ethernet, and you start working on a display unit/GP-Viewer EX, operations from other display units/GP-Viewer EX become disabled. Therefore, you can create an operation switch to re-enable operations on the other display units/GP-Viewer EX. 
Operation Lock

Create an operation switch to change password during the online mode (communicating to the device/PLC).

This is the same as the Switch that is attached to the Special Data Display [Filing]. Creates a Switch to transfer filing data, scroll through a Filing Display, etc.
File Item Switch

This is the same as the Switch that is attached to the Special Data Display [File Manager]. Creates a Switch to display the File Manager on the screen.

This is the same as the Switch that is attached to the Special Data Display [Data Transmission].

Creates a Switch to transfer CSV data, scroll through a Data Transfer Display, etc. 
Data Transfer Switch

This is the same as the Switch that is attached to the Special Data Display [Show CSV].
Creates a Switch to scroll through a CSV Display or print CSV data. 
Switch for CSV Display

Creates a switch for transferring Enhanced Recipes, editing recipe label, or other operations.
Switch for Enhanced Recipe

Creates a switch for saving edited Enhanced Recipes or other operations.
Switch for Enhanced Recipe Data List

This is the same as the switch attached to the movie player. Create the switch to operate the screen for movie playback. 
Movie Player Switch

Create a switch to display the Device monitor and the Ladder monitor on the screen. 
Start Monitor Switch

Create a switch to directly specify and start the application executable file when using WinGP. You can specify settings such as the startup parameters and the watch on multiplex start. 
Start Application

Create a switch to exit WinGP. 
Exit WinGP

Create a switch to reset the Display.

Create a switch to transfer to offline mode (no communication with the device/PLC) for the Display.

This is the same as the switch attached to the Remote PC Access Window Display. Display the RPA Window Screens on the screen.
36.3 Display or Operate a Computer from the Display Unit

Creates a switch for launching an executable which transfers device/PLC data stored on the display unit's external storage. Touch the switch to display the [Transfer Device/PLC Data] screen and transfer the ladder file on the external storage.

Window Parts ID

Set the ID of the Window to display when the switch is touched. 0 to 383 is the set up range.

Alarm History Switch


Select the alarm history switch operation: [Start], [End], [Acknowledged], [Move], [Clear], [Sort], [Scroll], [Sub Display], [Alarm Number Acquisition Key], [Refine Search / Sort], or [Alarm Analysis].

Freeze Mode

When the [Action] is [Start], designate whether or not to use Freeze Mode (stops the Alarm display in the current state and does not perform updates).

Detail Action

If you select [Acknowledge], [Move], [Clear], [Sort], [Scroll], [Refine Search/Sort], or [Alarm Analysis] for the [Operation], you need to also select the details of the operation.

Choose from [Acknowledged] or [Ack All].

Choose from [Move Upward], [Move Downward], [Scroll Up], or [Scroll Down].

Choose from [Clear], [Clear All], [Clear Recovered Alarm], [Clear Acknowledged Alarm], [Clear All Recovered Alarm], [Clear All Number of Occurrences Fields], [Clear Individual Number of Occurrences Fields], [Clear All Accumulated Time Field] or [Clear Individual Accumulated Time Field].

Select from [In Reverse Order of Trigger Date], [In Number of Occurrences Order], [In Descending Order of Accumulated Time], [Level & In Reverse Order of Trigger Date], [Level & In Descending Order of Number of Occurrences], [Alarm Registration Order], or [Reverse Order Display].

Select either [Scroll Right] or [Scroll Left].

Choose from [Clear Search/Sort] or [Update Search/Sort].

Choose from [Analyze (Trigger Time)], [Analyze (Acknowledged Time)], or [Analyze (Recovery Time)].

Number of Scroll Up/Scroll Down Moves

When [Detail Action] is [Scroll Up] or [Scroll Down], set the number of moves the Switch will scroll when pressed once. The setting range is from 1 to 768.

Alarm History Switch (Block)


Select the switch operation to operate the alarm history from [Ack All], [Clear All], [Clear All Recovered Alarms], and [Clear All Acknowledged Alarms].

Operate the alarm history for the associated blocks regardless of the displayed screen.

Block Designation

Select the block to operate the alarm history from [All blocks] or [Select blocks].

Display Mode

Selects the displaying method of the alarm to be displayed.

Associated Blocks

Displayed when [Select blocks] is selected for [Block].

Place a check mark in the associated blocks that operate the alarm history.


Text Alarm Switch


Choose the action from [Move Upward], [Move Downward], [Scroll Up], [Scroll Down], [Sub Display], or [End].

Number of Scroll Up/Scroll Down Moves

When [Action] is [Scroll Up] or [Scroll Down], set the number of moves the Switch will scroll when pressed once. The setting range is from 1 to 512.

Historical Trend Graph Switch


Select the Display Historical Data switch operation for the Historical Trend Graph: [Display Historical Data Switch], [Scroll for Old Data], [Scroll for New Data], [Zoom Display], and [Zoom Out Display].

Samples to Scroll

When [Action] is [Scroll for the Old Data] or [Scroll for New Data], set the number of samples to scroll with one touch. The setting range is from 1 to 65535.

Use only in Display Historical Data

When [Action] is selected as [Zoom Display] or [Zoom Out Display], specify whether to use it only when displaying Historical Data.

Historical Trend Graph Parts ID

When [Action] is selected as [Zoom Display] or [Zoom Out Display], set the historical trend graph parts that reflect the display condition.

Sampling Data Display Switch


Choose the [Action] of the switch for the Sampling Data Display operation, from either [Scroll Up], [Scroll Down], [Scroll Left], [Scroll Right], [Clear Search/Sort], or [Update Search/Sort].

Samples to Scroll

When selecting a scroll action, specify how much to scroll with each touch.The range is 1 to 65,535 for [Scroll Up] and [Scroll Down], and 1 to 514 for [Scroll Left] and [Scroll Right].

Operation Lock


Choose the action of operation lock switch from [Lock and Unlock], [Lock] or [Unlock].

Do not automatically unlock

When selecting, the lock does not automatically unlock even after the time set in [Time Out] in [Operation Lock Settings] in the Display Unit [Extended Settings] has passed.To release, set [Action] to [Lock and Unlock], or place a Special Switch for the [Unlock] operation.



Choose the action of the set password switch online: [Password Settings (Screen Input)], [Password Settings (File)], [Log In] or [Log Off].

Displays the password change screen.From this screen, you can change the ID or the level password of the logged in user.

To change the password for users at the same security level or below, select the [Enable changes to users at current and lower security levels] check box.

Change the password by reading password information that is saved in external storage in CSV file format.

Setting Mode

When [Set Password] is the defined [Action], select [Overwrite] or [Append].

Overwrite the password that was read-in to the existing passwords.

Add the password that was read-in to the existing passwords.


Choose where to load the password from: [CF Card] (or [SD Card]) or [USB Storage].

After reflecting the password, delete the CSV file.

After showing the password from the [Load] operation, specify whether to delete the CSV file.

Log Off Screen

When selecting [Log Off] as the [Action], choose the log off screen from [Start Screen], [Select Screen], or [No Screen Movement].

When using [Select Screen], specify the screen number to display when logging off.

File Item Switch


Choose the action of the switch in the Special Data Display [Filing]: [Transfer from SRAM to Device/PLC], [Transfer from SRAM to Internal Device], [Transfer from Device/PLC to SRAM], [Transfer from Device/PLC to Internal Device], [Transfer from Internal Device to SRAM], [Transfer from Internal Device to Device/PLC], [Move Upward] or [Move Downward].

ID Number

Set the ID number of the Special Data Display [Filing] you want to operate with the Special Switch.The value can be from 0 to 255.

Number of Moves

When [Action] is [Move Upward] or [Move Downward], set the number of moves for one touch from 1 to 2,048.

Data Transfer Switch


Select the switch operation for the Special Data Display [Data Transmission]: [CF/USB to Device/PLC], [Transfer Device/PLC -> CF/USB], [Transfer SD/USB -> Device/PLC], [Transfer Device/PLC -> SD/USB]), [Scroll Up], [Scroll Down] or [CSV Data Display].

Samples to Scroll

When [Action] is [Scroll Up] or [Scroll Down], set the number of moves for one touch from 1 to 100.

Switch for CSV Display


You can set the Special Data Display [CSV Display] switch's action to [Scroll Up], [Scroll Down], [Scroll Left], [Scroll Right], [Print-All], or [Print-Display].

Samples to Scroll

When selecting [Scroll Up], [Scroll Down], [Scroll Left], or [Scroll Right], set the number of moves for one touch from 1 to 1000.

Switch for Enhanced Recipe


Select the action for switches that operate on Enhanced Recipes.

Transfers Enhanced Recipe data in the display unit to a device/PLC.

Loads data from a device/PLC to the display unit as a recipe.

Changes the display to the previous page when the Enhanced Recipe list has multiple pages.

Changes the display to the next page when the Enhanced Recipe list has multiple pages.

Allows you to edit the selected recipe label.

Copies the selected recipe.

Deletes the selected recipe.

Clears Search/Sort when Refine Search/Sort is applied on recipe labels.

Number of Moves (Page Up/Down)

If you select [Page Up] or [Page Down] for the [Action], you need to specify the number of pages you want to scroll up or down with each touch. The setting range is from 1 to 65535.

Switch for Enhanced Recipe Data List


Select the action for switches that operate on Enhanced Recipe Data Lists.

Saves the data of modified element values.

Cancels changes and restores the original data.

Changes the display to the previous page when the Enhanced Recipe Data List has multiple pages.

Changes the display to the next page when the Enhanced Recipe Data List has multiple pages.

Number of Moves (Page Up/Down)

If you select [Page Up] or [Page Down] for the [Action], you need to specify the number of pages you want to scroll up or down with each touch. The setting range is from 1 to 65535.

Movie Player Switch


Select the switch function for playing a movie with [Movie Player] from [Play], [Stop], [Pause], [Fast Forward], [Rewind], [Slow Motion], [Forward 1 Frame], [Back 1 Frame], [Change Movie], [Zoom], [Move], or [Video Display].


When selecting [Slow Motion] under [Action], specify the play speed from [x 1/2], [x 1/4] or [x 1/8].

Step Forward Settings

When the [Action] is set to [Forward 1 Frame], select [Multiple Frames] or [Single Frame]. This switch can be used only in the pause state.

Detail Action

When selecting [Change Movie] as the [Action], select [Next], [Previous], or [Specify Range].

When selecting [Next] or [Previous], specify whether to loop the file.

Specify the Index Number from 0 to 99 of the movie to play.
When selecting [Move] under [Action], select [Top], [Bottom], [Left], or [Right]. The following describes the range in which a movie can be moved at one time.


When playing an SDX file

When playing a video

Landscape direction

2 dot unit

2 dot unit

Portrait direction

Normal size

2 dot unit

1/4 and 1/16 sizes

1 dot unit

1 dot unit

Detail Action

When selecting [Video] as the [Action], select [Video ON], [Video OFF], or [Video ON/OFF].

Action Mode

When selecting [Zoom] as the [Action], select [Direct] or [Indirect].

When selecting [Direct], select the display size from [Normal], [1/4], [1/ 16], or [Zoom].
The [Zoom] option zooms a movie in or out in this order: Normal -> 1/4 -> 1/16 -> 1/4 -> Normal, and so on, each time the switch is pressed.[Loop], when selected, zooms the movie in and out in the order of "Normal -> 1/4 -> 1/16 - Normal -> 1/4...".

Designate an address to store the display size when [Indirect] is selected.
The display sizes are as follows.

0: Standard

1: 1/4

2: 1/16

3 to 0xFFFE: Reserved (no change)

0xFFFF: Normal (return to the main screen)

Start Monitor Switch


Select from [Ladder monitor], [Ladder monitor (Cache)] or [Device monitor].

Start the ladder monitor screen. The ladder is displayed after start and [Read]. The ladder is not displayed at start up.

Displays the previous ladder saved on the CF/SD card upon exiting.

Start the Device monitor screen.
40.4 Monitoring the Value of Device Addresses (Device Monitor)

Start Application

Use the Start Application switch for starting the application by touch when using WinGP.

EXE path

Input the absolute path of the executable file (.exe) you want to start. You can input up to 255 characters.


Input the argument of the executable file on start up. You can input up to 255 characters.

Prevent multiple instances

Set [Window Title] to watch multiple instances. You can input up to 63 characters.

If a window matching [Window Title] is found, the application does not start.In [Window Title], if there are no settings in this field, multiple starts are allowed.

Find whole window titles only

If a window matching the title specified in [Window Title] is found, the specified application does not start.

Exit WinGP

Exit WinGP.

Display Confirmation Dialog Box

Display a confirmation dialog when exiting WinGP.