Timing for Collecting Data

There are two methods of sampling, by time period or bit state.

The following shows the execution conditions for the Sampling, and the characteristic of each action.

Time Period

Sampling Execution Condition


Set Time

Sampling begins at the designated time and continues for the designated period.

  • You can set the start time.

  • Sampling cycles are set in 15 second increments.

  • After collecting data for the specified number of times, select whether to store them by overwriting the oldest data or store them as another new block without overwriting.*1

Constant Cycle*2

Sample data at constant cycles starting from when the display unit is turned ON.

  • You can set the sampling cycle 100 milliseconds or 1 s (second) units.

  • Data will be overwritten and stored, starting with the oldest data, after data has been sampled the designated number of times.

Constant Cycle when Bit is ON*2

Sample data at constant cycles starting from when the display unit is turned ON, but only when the designated bit is ON.

  • You can set the sampling cycle 100 milliseconds or 1 s (second) units.

  • While the designated bit is OFF, data will not be sampled even when a cycle starts.

  • Data will be overwritten and stored, starting with the oldest data, after data has been sampled the designated number of times.


Sampling Execution Condition


Bit ON

Data is collected every time the designated bit turns ON.

  • After collecting data for the specified number of times, select whether to store them by overwriting the oldest data or store them as another new block without overwriting.*1

Bit Change*2

Data is collected every time the designated bit changes state (ON/OFF).

  • Data will be overwritten and stored, starting with the oldest data, after data has been sampled the designated number of times.

*1 A group of sampling data over a specified number of times is called a "Block". Data Storage Methods

*2 When using [Constant Cycle], [Constant Cycle while Bit is ON], or [Bit Change], the moment the Execution Condition is satisfied, reads data from all the defined addresses and saves the data to the display unit.

Set Time

When a device/PLC [Sampling Permit Bit Address] is ON and the designated [Start Time] begins, the data from the designated addresses is read. After that, the data is read at the designated cycle.

The sampling cycle's time monitor is operated by the display unit's internal clock.

Constant Cycle

Read data at the designated fixed cycle starting from when the display unit is turned ON.

The sampling cycle's time monitor is operated by the display unit's internal clock.

Constant Cycle when Bit is ON

When the device/PLC [Sampling Trigger Bit Address] is ON, data is read at the designated cycle. The sampling cycle time is monitored by the display unit's internal clock.

Bit ON

When the device/PLC [Sampling Trigger Bit Address] turns ON, the designated address data is read to the display unit. When the display unit finishes reading data, the [ACK Bit Address] is turned ON.

When you detect that the device/PLC [ACK Bit Address] has turned ON, please turn OFF the [Sampling Trigger Bit Address]. When you turn OFF the [Sampling Trigger Bit Address], the [ACK Bit Address] will be turned OFF. When you turn OFF the [Sampling Trigger Bit Address], the [ACK Bit Address] will be automatically turned OFF.

Bit Change

When the device/PLC [Sampling Trigger Bit Address] turns ON or OFF, the designated address data is read to the display unit.