25.12.1 Usage Capacity of Sampled Data

When saving to the backup memory (SRAM), the amount of space used by the sampling data varies depending on the Number of Sampling Groups, [Enable multiple data types] setting, Data type, Number of Data (Addresses) and the [Mode] tab settings.

Without the sampling settings, the usage capacity is 0 bytes.

Calculation - if [Enable multiple data types] is off

(4 + 4 x Number of Groups) + each Sampling Group's total usage capacity

20+ Number of Blocks x Occurrences*1 x {2*2 x Number of Data*3 + 12*4 + (Number of Data + 31)/32 x 4*5}

*1 When in the [Mode] tab's Extended area the [Overwrite old data after finishing the specified cycles] check box is selected, the value is [Occurrences]+1.

*2 Two bytes when the [Address] tab's [Bit Length] is [16 Bit]. Four bytes when the [Bit Length] is [32 bit].

*3 If the number of data (addresses) is an odd number, add 1 to the value.

*4 When the [Add Time Data] in the [Mode] tab is selected, add 12 bytes for time data.

*5 When the [Add Data Valid/Invalid Flag] in the [Mode] tab is selected, add the defined size (the underlined portion).

Example of Calculation - if [Enable multiple data types] is off



Number of Groups


Data Type

16 Bit

Sampling Words






Overwrite old data after finishing the specified cycles


Add Time Data


Add Data Valid/Invalid Flag


(4 + 4 x Number of Groups) + 20 + Number of Blocks x (Occurrences + 1) x {(Number of Data + 1) + 12 + (Number of Data + 31) / 32 x 4}

(4 + 4 x 1) + 20 + 1 x (100 + 1) x {2 x (7 + 1) + 12 + (7 + 31) / 32 x 4} = 3260 bytes

Calculation - if [Enable multiple data types] is on

4 + 4 x Number of Groups + Total of each Sampling Group's Usage

20 + Number of Blocks x Occurrences*1 x {2 x Number of Data*2 + 12*3 + (Number of Data + 31) / 32 x 4*4}

*1 When in the [Mode] tab's Extended area the [Overwrite old data after finishing the specified cycles] check box is selected, the value is [Occurrences]+1.

*2 Number of Data is the number of rows (words) used. The total size for the data portion (underlined portion in the expression) is 2 bytes x Number of Rows.
If the total size for the data portion cannot be divided by four, it is displayed to a value divisible by four.

*3 When the [Add Time Data] in the [Mode] tab is selected, add 12 bytes for time data.

*4 When the [Add Data Valid/Invalid Flag] in the [Mode] tab is selected, add the defined size (the underlined portion).

The total size for the data portion is 2 bytes x Number of Rows. Data type and the number of rows used have the following relationships.

Data Type

Number of Rows Used

Bit, Word 8 Bit, Word 16 Bit

1 Rungs


2 Rungs


1 Rung for 2 characters


4 Rungs

Example Calculation - if [Enable multiple data types] is defined



Number of Groups


Total (Number of Data)





Row 1

Word 16 Bit


Row 1

Word 32 Bit


Row 2

Text (16-bit device)

Number of characters: 5

3 rows





Overwrite old data after finishing the specified cycles


Add Time Data


Add Data Valid/Invalid Flag


(4 + 4 x Number of Groups) + [20 + Number of Blocks x (Occurrences + 1) x {2 x (Number of Data) + 12 + (Number of Data + 31) / 32 x 4}]

(4 + 4 x 1) + 20 + 1 x (100 + 1) x {2 x (7 + 2) + 12 + (7 + 31) / 32 x 4} = 3260 bytes

Indication of the number of sampling data you can save

The save area size differs depending on the display unit model. On models with 320 KB backup memory (SRAM), you can save a maximum 163,244 units of data for all sampling groups when you use both backup memory (SRAM) and working memory.

However, when backup memory (SRAM) is used for other features, the capacity for sampling data decreases.

Estimate when you use a display unit with 320 KB of SRAM (using only data sampling)


Backup Memory (SRAM)

Working Memory

Word data only

Up to 81,332

Up to 81,912

Word data + Time data

Up to 20,332

Up to 20,476

Word data + Word data + Data Valid/Invalid Flag

Up to 40,664

Up to 40,954

Word data + Time data + Data Valid/Invalid Flag

Up to 16,264

Up to 16,380