26.8.1 Transfer CSV Data (Condition)

Configure condition and transfer settings for CSV data.

Transfer CSV Data

Select whether to use the Transfer CSV Data feature.

Action Mode

Select the CSV data's transfer action.

The transfer is executed according to the condition set in [Condition], such as Destination Address or Number of Data Items. You can transfer multiple CSV data recipes at one time.

The transfer destination and source address is set at transfer time. Change the address for each file and transfer the CSV data.

Write Mode

Defines how to handle overwriting data.

Overwrites all the contents of existing CSV files. ITEM NAME field will be blank.

Overwrites the Time (:DATE) and the Value (VALUE) in the existing CSV file. Other items remain as they are.

Control Word Address

Set to operate the CSV data transfer from the device/PLC with an automatic transfer. If selected, also set the address to control the transfer.

The contents of the set address differ depending on the [Action Mode] settings.
26.10.2 Control Word Address


Select a language for the Condition Name: [Japanese], [ASCII], [Chinese (Traditional)], [Chinese (Simplified)], [Korean], [Russian (Cyrillic)], or [Thai]. The Condition Name for the [Data Transmission] follows this setting.

Condition Name Search Feature

[Transfer Mode] is set to [Condition Action]. When using automatic transfer, specify whether to use the Condition Name Search feature. The Condition Name Search feature searches for CSV files by condition name and writes all matching files from external storage to the device/PLC.
26.10.3 About the Condition Name Search Feature

Search Word Address

When using Condition Name Search, set a word address to store the search text.

This can be set to either a PLC address or a display unit's internal device address.

Uses the bottom 16 words of the address designated here (or 8 words for a 32 bit address), and they store the condition name of the file you want to transfer. The condition search name can be up to 32 characters.

Detects the file in external storage that matches the stored condition name and transfers the file. Condition Name Search Storage Methods

Destination Device/PLC

When [Action Mode] is [Address Action], select the device/PLC for transfer.


The contents of registered conditions display in a list.

Names of features




Ctrl + E

Open the [CSV Data Transfer Condition] dialog box and edit the conditions selected in the [Condition].

The [CSV Data Transfer Condition] dialog box also appears by double-clicking the cell.


Ctrl + C

Copy the condition selected in the [Condition list].


Ctrl + V

Add the copied condition into the [Condition list].



Delete the condition selected in the [Condition list].

Duplication Check


Checks that the file number settings for the condition are not duplicated. If file numbers are repeated in several conditions, data are transferred according to the condition with the smaller number.


Creates a new condition. Click the hyperlink and the [CSV Data Transfer Condition] dialog box appears. CSV Data Transfer Condition - Condition CSV Data Transfer Condition - Extended