26.19.2 Transfer - Creating and Transferring Enhanced Recipe Data

You can transfer enhanced recipe data between the display unit and device/PLC without using the display unit's backup memory (SRAM) or external storage.

There are two ways to transfer. Transferring manually by touch or by using a system variable for automatic transfer.

Touch transfer (manual transfer)

Select a recipe from the Enhanced Recipe List and touch the transfer switch.

Automatic transfer

Transfer using system variables.

  1. Store a recipe group ID in #H_RecipeGroupID.

  2. Store a recipe ID in #H_RecipeID.

  3. Turn ON #H_RecipeControlSend. Data for the specified recipe group ID and recipe ID is written to the device/PLC.

  4. Once transfer is complete, the #H_RecipeProcessing system variable's bit 1 (Transfer Completion Flag) turns ON. Confirm Transfer Completion Flag is ON and then turn OFF #H_RecipeControlSend.

O: Turn the bit ON/OFF.

♦: The bit automatically turns ON/OFF.

  1. Store a recipe group ID in #H_RecipeGroupID.

  2. Store a recipe ID in #H_RecipeID.

  3. Turn ON #H_RecipeControlUpload. Read data on the device/PLC and overwrite data on the display unit for the corresponding recipe group ID and recipe ID.

  4. Once transfer is complete, in the #H_RecipeProcessing system variable bit 3 (Receive Completion Bit) turns ON. Confirm Receive Completion Flag is ON and then turn OFF #H_RecipeControlUpload.

O: Turn the bit ON/OFF.

♦: The bit automatically turns ON/OFF.