26.26.2 Keypad display when editing

On the display unit, you can edit recipe labels from the Enhanced Recipe List and edit the values of elements from the Enhanced Recipe Data List.

This section describes the keypad that displays when editing.

Keypad display when editing recipe labels

To display a keypad, select from the enhanced recipe list and touch a recipe label.

A Japanese keypad or English keypad appears, depending the Enhanced Recipe Group List's [Language] setting. The English keypad appears when any language except for Japanese is selected. The Japanese keypad appears when [Japanese] is selected.

The maximum number of characters you can enter is 32 single-byte/double-byte characters.

Display Area

Displays the defined text.

ESC (Escape key)

Closes the screen. Cancels any changes.

Numeric keys

Enters a number.

Alphabetical keys/other symbols

Enters alphabetical characters and symbols.

BS (Back space key)

Erases the character located before the cursor position.

DEL (Delete key)

Erases the character located at the current cursor position.

CLR (Clear key)

Clears the entered condition.

ENT (Enter key)

Confirms the entered condition.


Toggles between uppercase and lowercase alphabetical characters.


Enters a blank space.

Moves the cursor position.

Keypad display when editing element values

If the element values for the Enhanced Recipe Data List can be edited, touch the element value to display a keypad.

The system keypad displays.

The same keypad as editing recipe labels appears.

The maximum number of characters you can enter is defined in the Enhanced Recipe Group's [#] field.

26.23.2 Recipe Group (Recipe Group 1) Settings Guide