In the [Edit Symbol Variables] window, click [Utility] and then click [Import].
For CSV files exported from GP-Pro EX, select [GP-Pro EX Format].
For CSV files exported from the other application software, select [Other Formats].
Specify the CSV file to import and then click [Open].
If you selected the CSV file exported from GP-Pro EX, proceed to step 4.
If you selected the CSV file exported from the other application software, proceed to step 3.
If importing from a CSV file, specify the [Delimiter Setting] according to the separator character used in the file selected.
The [Import Symbol Variable] dialog box appears. Edit the data as necessary and click [OK (O)].
For details on the [Import Symbol Variable] dialog box, refer to the following.
30.15.3 [Import Symbol Variable] Dialog Box Settings Guide
Import will be completed after error checking. If an error message is displayed, check the contents of the message and then click [OK (O)].
If the CSV file is not in the appropriate format as shown below, an error message will be displayed and import cannot be completed.
CSV files exported from GP-Pro EX
The name [Name] has not been entered, or an inappropriate character has been used.
The symbol variable name already exists in the file.
The type [Type] has not been input, or undefined text has been used.
The array size has not been input, or sequential numbers have not been used.
Array is set up but the [Type] does not support arrays.
The keep setting "1" has been input for the Bit Address or Word Address.
The keep setting "1" has not been specified for the PID variable.
CSV files exported from the other application software
If [Name], [Address] and [Type] are not specified
If the number of columns exceeds the upper limit (255)
If the number of rows exceeds the upper limit (65535)
If there is an error only in some rows in the imported data, the following [Import Error] dialog box appears, and only the rows free of errors are imported. Check the details of the error, and click [Close (C)].
If you click [Output Log], the contents of the [Import Error] dialog box can be output as a file in CSV format.