Please refer to the Settings Guide for details. Text Display - Basic Settings / Basic
17.7 Common Settings (Text Registration) Settings Guide
For details on how to draw parts, and defining the address, shape, color, and labels, please see the parts editing topic.
8.7.1 Editing Parts
From the [Common Settings (R)] menu, select [Text Registration (T)] or click . The [New Text/Open] dialog box appears.
Set the text number and comment, then click [New]. The text input screen appears.
For example, Number = "1", Comment = "Maintenance"
The text input screen appears. Enter the text for the message.
Next, configure the Message Display settings. Open the drawing screen. On the [Parts (P)] menu, select [Message Display (M)] or click to open and display the screen on which you want to display the Text.
Double-click the new Message Display. The following dialog box appears.
Select [Text Display], and change the dialog box to [Extended] view.
In the [Specify Text File Number], select the method of specifying text to display. Set the [Text File Number].
In [Start Row Bit Address], set the start address
Set a bit address or a word address to specify bits. If you set a bit address, [Number of Bits] of sequential addresses are assigned to set the display start row. If you set a word address, [Number of Bits] of sequential bits in the word (16 bits) are used.
In the [Number of Bits] field, set the number of bits to use for designating the start row display.
The number of bits to use depends on [Rows Scroll]. When scrolling four rows at a time, you need to scroll three times at the maximum to display 12 rows. 2 bits are required to store "3".
In the [Rows Scroll] field, set the number of text rows to scroll each time.
Click the [Display] tab. Set the [Display Characters] and [Display Rows].
Set "1" to [Display Characters] to display one single-byte character. Set "2" for one double-byte character.
As needed, set the Message Display color and text color on the [Color] tab, and click [OK]. The Message Display settings are complete.
Set a Switch to scroll through messages. From the [Parts (P)] menu, point to [Switch Lamp (C)] and select [Word Switch (W)] or click . Place the switch on the screen.
Double-click the placed Switch part. The following dialog box appears.
In [Select Shape], select the Switch shape.
In the [Word Address] field, set the address (D100) where you want to write data when you touch the switch.
In the [Word Action] drop-down list, select [Add Data]. Set an address value in [Addition Base Word Address].
As needed, set the Switch color and label on the [Color] tab and [Label] tab, and click [OK]. A Switch to scroll to next text has been created.
Create a Switch to scroll to previous text as well. Place a Word Switch and select [Subtract Data] from the [Word Action] drop-down list.
Two scroll switches have been placed.
Text can have up to 512 lines with up to 100 single-byte characters per line.
When the data designated as the Display Start Row has no corresponding text row, the operation does not occur. The previously displayed rows remain.
If the text data is wider than the display area, the portion that exceeds the display area is not displayed.