17.3.1 Procedure - Changing the Displayed Text

  1. From the [Common Settings (R)] menu, select [Text Registration (T)] or click . The [New Text/Open] dialog box appears.

  2. Set the text number and comment, then click [New]. The text input screen appears.
    For example, Number = "1", Comment = "Maintenance"

  3. The text input screen appears. Enter the text for the message.

  4. Next, configure the Message Display settings. Open the drawing screen. On the [Parts (P)] menu, select [Message Display (M)] or click to open and display the screen on which you want to display the Text.

  5. Double-click the new Message Display. The following dialog box appears.

  6. Select [Text Display], and change the dialog box to [Extended] view.

  7. In the [Specify Text File Number], select the method of specifying text to display. Set the [Text File Number].

  8. In [Start Row Bit Address], set the start address 

    • Set a bit address or a word address to specify bits. If you set a bit address, [Number of Bits] of sequential addresses are assigned to set the display start row. If you set a word address, [Number of Bits] of sequential bits in the word (16 bits) are used.

  9. In the [Number of Bits] field, set the number of bits to use for designating the start row display.

    • The number of bits to use depends on [Rows Scroll]. When scrolling four rows at a time, you need to scroll three times at the maximum to display 12 rows. 2 bits are required to store "3".

  10. In the [Rows Scroll] field, set the number of text rows to scroll each time.

  11. Click the [Display] tab. Set the [Display Characters] and [Display Rows].

    • Set "1" to [Display Characters] to display one single-byte character. Set "2" for one double-byte character.

  12. As needed, set the Message Display color and text color on the [Color] tab, and click [OK]. The Message Display settings are complete.

  13. Set a Switch to scroll through messages. From the [Parts (P)] menu, point to [Switch Lamp (C)] and select [Word Switch (W)] or click . Place the switch on the screen.

  14. Double-click the placed Switch part. The following dialog box appears.

  15. In [Select Shape], select the Switch shape.

  16. In the [Word Address] field, set the address (D100) where you want to write data when you touch the switch.

  17. In the [Word Action] drop-down list, select [Add Data]. Set an address value in [Addition Base Word Address].

  18. As needed, set the Switch color and label on the [Color] tab and [Label] tab, and click [OK]. A Switch to scroll to next text has been created.

  19. Create a Switch to scroll to previous text as well. Place a Word Switch and select [Subtract Data] from the [Word Action] drop-down list.

Two scroll switches have been placed.