Procedure - Copying a Screen from Another Project

Copy the project "A.prx" Base Screen (for example, 10) to the project "B.prx".

  1. Open the project into which you want to copy the screens.

  2. From the [Project (F)] menu, point to [Utility (T)] and select [Copy from Another Project (C)].

  3. In the dialog box that follows, use the [Look in] and [File name] fields to specify the file, then click [Open].


  4. The [Copy From Another Project] dialog box will display. In the [Item] area, select [Screen], then select the [Base Screen] and [Include Header and Footer] check boxes only.

  5. In the [Base Screens] [Screen Number] field, specify the screens to copy. In the [Copy to] field, specify the first copy destination screen.

  6. Click [Copy].

    • If a screen of the same number exists in the copy destination, the following confirmation dialog box appears.

  7. When the copy is complete, the following message appears. Click [OK].