Show Limit Value - Basic


Set the font.

Font Type

Choose a font type for the Limit Value from [Stroke Font], [Standard Font], [Image Font] or [Bitmap Font].

Stroke Font and Standard Font

  • Standard Font

You can specify the vertical and horizontal dimensions of a character in bitmap fonts. When you magnify/shrink characters, the outline may become rough or the letter may appear compressed.

  • Stroke Font

This is an outline font where the ratio of the character height and width is fixed. The letters will have a smooth outline even if you magnify/shrink them. However, this font uses more disk space on the display unit.


Choose a font size for the Limit Value.

  • Standard Font

(8 to 64) x (8 to 128)

  • Standard Font (Fixed Size)

[6x10], [8x13], [13x23] (Display is single-byte characters only)

  • Stroke Font

6 to 127

Text Attributes

Select the text attributes.

  • Standard Font

Choose from [Standard], [Bold], or [Shadow]. When using the fixed font size [6x10], select either [Standard] or [Shadow].

  • Stroke Font

Stroke Font: Choose from [Normal], [Bold], [Outline]

  • When using [Auto-size Font] with either [7-segment Display] or [Stroke Font], the [Text Attribute] cannot be defined.

Image Font

Windows fonts are converted to bitmaps and used in display parts.

Select Font

Define the font, and select the [Style], [Size], and [Font Set]. The properties you can define (Style, Size, and Font Set), vary based on fonts.

  • A proportional font cannot be selected.

  • Characters of the image font used in Data Display [Show Limit Value] will be automatically registered. You can check registered content in the [Image Font] area's [Characters Used] setting.

Bitmap Font

You can use prepared bitmap images to uniquely express numeric values and symbols.


Select the model to use from the registered bitmap font models.


Set a color for the bitmap font.

Font Size

  • Width

Set the Bitmap font width between 1 to 200.

  • Height

Set the Bitmap font height between 1 to 400.


Set whether the background of the bitmap font will be transparent.

  • Depending on the model, you may not be able to use the transparent setting.


Preview all characters, such as numeric values and symbols, of the selected model.

Maximum Value/Minimum Value Color

Numeral Value Color

Set a color for the min value/max value.

  • This cannot be set when Bitmap Font is selected.

Plate Color

Set the plate color for the min value/max value.

  • When setting the plate color to transparent, the display speed may worsen with an increased number of display part positions because the display parts are positioned on the front layer used by the animation function.
    For details regarding the Layer Separator, please refer to the following.
    21.8 About Object Position and the Layer Separator When Setting Up Animation

  • When you use a Window screen in ST3000 series and GP3200 series, do not select transparent as the [Plate Color].
    In ST3000 and GP-3200 series models, the plate color cannot be transparent.
    When the plate color is set to transparent, a warning appears when you save a project.

Shadow Color

Set the shadow color for the Limit Value.

  • This can be set only when [Shadow] is selected under [Text Attribute] on the [Display] tab.

  • This cannot be set when Bitmap Font is selected.

7-segment Display

Select this option to show values as a 7-segment display.

Auto-size Font

For use with the Stroke Font, select this option to display the value without the top and bottom margins.


Select the blink and blink speed. You can choose different blink settings for the [Numeric Value Color], [Plate Color], and [Shadow Color].