


Otasuke FAQ's Book
 FAQ's for getting started
 How to confirm the size of the screen data transmitted to GP?

The size of the project file actually transmitted to GP is not in agreement with the size displayed by Microsoft® Explorer.
Please check exact file size in GP-PRO/PB III C-Package.

How to check

1. [Project] -> [Properties] is displayed from the project manager's menu bar.

The number of bytes of screen data and % which are transmitted to the GP are specified in the [Size of Screen To Be Sent To GP]. If it is over 100%, even if it successfully transmits to GP, the memory on GP it becomes "insufficient" and cannot transmit. (Depending on a project file, it may also be unable to transmit at 97-98%)

When capacity is "????"
  In order to generate data required at the time of transmission in advance, it is necessary to use the [Prepare] command.

・When screen size is over 100%
  Since it cannot transmit to GP if it exceeds 100%, please reduce screen size to 100% or less. (It may be unable to transmit at 97-98%)
Please delete unused base screens.
If bitmap files are used, please be sure to apply compression. Moreover, if your unit can use CF card, please save images on the CF card.
If "image fonts" are used, size can be reduced by changing into direct character strings.
Using tags rather than parts can reduce size.

When using the same picture or tag repeatedly, please use a [screen call] function.

・ The difference between [With Upload Info.] and [Without Upload Info.]
  "Upload information" is data required to receive screen data from a GP.
When not transmitting upload information beforehand, the screen capacity transmitted to GP can be reduced, but screen data is unreceivable from the GP.

GP transmission can be determined [upload information] by [setup of transmission].

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