


Otasuke FAQ's Book
 Basic Screen Tutorial
 Frist round For creating an alarm screen
●What is an alarm function?
Mr.Beginner   Although I want to create an alarm history screen instantly, what kind of function should be used?
If an alarm history screen is created, the tag "Q tag" will be used.   Ms.Support
Mr.Beginner   Is it ... Q tags? It uses for the first time ...
It is easy! The methods of creating an alarm history screen using Q tag are the following three steps.   Ms.Support
1. To register An alarm message and the address of PLC.
2. To place Q-tag.
3. To create the operation switch for Q tags
Mr.Beginner   True, it's easy well.
Incidentally,what is "the switch for Q tags"?
This is the switch which scrolls or deletes an alarm message.   Ms.Support
Mr.Beginner   Wow, it can be made various things.
About how many alarm histories can the back leave, although it is a little worrisome?
Although based also on the model to be used, they are a maximum of 768 pieces.
Even if it turn off a power supply, a setup holding an alarm history can also be performed!
Mr.Beginner   I got it.
The screen considered is made if it is Q tag!
I do instantly.
  Frist round For creating
an alarm screen
2.Let us actually draw a picture !  
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