



How to disable the EWF (Write Filter)

Applicable Models
Models supported by Windows XP Embedded CF Card type

The following is the procedure to disable the EWF (Write Filter) function in a CF card with pre-installed Windows XP Embedded, the optional item for our IPC models.

EWF (Write Filter) is the function to control enabling/disabling writing to a CF card. For the details about the EWF function, please refer to the following Q&A.
What is the Windows XP Embedded's EWF function?

Open the Explorer and then the [C:\Proface\EWFSettingTool] folder.
Execute the "EWFSttingTOOL.exe" indicated below by a red frame.

The image of the folder screen differs depending on the version of Windows XP Embedded, but it does not affect the functionality.


Either of the windows as shown below is displayed. The message "[C drive is ....]" displayed at the top of the screen shows the EWF state at the moment.
[Protected] means that the EWF function is enabled, but writing to a CF card is disabled.
[not Protected] means that the EWF function is disabled, but writing to a CF card is enabled.

The image of the windows differs depending on the version of Windows XP Embedded, but it does not affect the functionality.
The message "Current setting: ....]" displayed at the top of the screen shows the EWF state at the moment.
3. Select [Protect OFF], and click the [OK] button.

4. When the window as shown below is displayed, click the [OK] button to automatically restart the Windows XP Embedded. After the restart, the selected EWF protection setting becomes enabled.

The above window does not appear depending on the version of Windows XP Embedded.

After performing a certain process, return the status back to the "EWF Enable" (or "Protect ON") with the same procedure. It makes writing to a CF card disabled afresh so that unexpected data update or deletion cannot be performed. In the Windows XP Embedded environment, the "EWF Enable" (or "Protect ON") is recommended for usual operation.
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