


Otasuke FAQ's Book
 FAQ's for getting started
 What's System Data Area?

GP has an internal address called LS Area. (16 bit: word address)
The contents vary depending on an address number of the LS area as shown below.

LS Area Contents


What's System Data Area?
The system data area (LS0 to LS19) stores GP's basic information such as GP's watch, the currently displayed screen number.
As the LS area cannot be monitored directly by the PLC's ladder program, it is assigned to the device called PLC's data register or data memory and the contents of the system data area can be read or written.
For the details of the system data area, refer to PLC Connection Manual (PDF)
  - When connecting PLC, Inverter --> Direct Access Method ( PDF:75KB)
  - In case of Memory Link Method --> Memory Link Method ( PDF:549KB)

How to set System Start Address

[Method 1] Settings with GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package
  (1) Click [GP Setup] from Project Manager and set System Start Address in the [Mode Settings] tab.

Transfer the project file again to GP.
At that time, select [Transfer Settings] -> [Transfer Settings] from the menu bar of the [Transfer] dialog box. Check the [GP System Settings] check box in the [Transfer] screen and transfer the file.


[Method 2] Settings with GP's OFFLINE
  Go to OFFLINE and select [Main Menu] -> [Initialize] -> [Setup Operation Surroundings] -> [1:1] or [n:1]. Then open [Setup Operation Surroundings].

The devices that can be set in System Start Address vary depending on each PLC.
For the details, refer to each manufacturer's [PLC Connection Manual], [Usable devices].

(For Example) Mitsubishi Electric

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