


Otasuke FAQ's Book
 FAQ's for getting started
 The minimum size of a touch switch.

■The minimum size of a touch switch.

The main part of a touch panel, the resistance film on a screen consists of grids of 20x20 dots, and a touch cannot be easily registered with a switch of 20x20 or smaller. The interval of 20×20 serves as the minimum size for touch-panel switch creation.

However, the interval of 40×40 dots serves as the minimum unit at the time of touch-panel switch creation.

■For checking the 20x20 grid using illustrating software.
The grid of the resistance film of 20x20 dots can be displayed in the editor software. This is called a "grid". It is convenient if you display the grid when drawing switches, parts or during T tag setup.
■Various grid functions
Change intervals.
Change color can also be performed.
[Snap] function to illustrate on grid.

■Point at illustrating!
During screen creation, a pictures can be drawn that connect to the grid. Touches at the center of a touch-panel grid are hard to register. Be careful of placement at the time of touch-panel switch creation.

Correct positioning.

Incorrect positioning.

Introduction of a convenient function
■About Snap function
  When a [snap] function is turned ON, the images snap to the grid.
  If you wish to have the snap function enabled by default, select [Option] -> [grid/snap], check [snap].

■For changing the grid interval displayed in editor software.
In the screen editor, [20x20] can be changed into the following six patterns.
Additionally, the items from 1 to 5 displayed on this pull down menu can be changed to your preferred settings.

<To Change Options >
1. Select [Option] -> [grid/snap] from the menu.

2. When [grid / snap setup] opens, select 1 to 5 and chose settings for [interval], and click [change].

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