Sample of Down Counter Settings |
Set thepreset value on the screen, and create the counter to pass power when it gets "0" by counting down the preset value of Pulse Input.
1. |
Place the Down Counter on Logic Program.
Set the specified variable (e.g.; Down Counter) on the placed Down Counter.
Place "Coil Output" which will be ON when the current value of the counter gets "0", and set the specified variable (e.g.; Output).
Place "Positive Transition" to provide Pulse, and set the specified variable (e.g.; Input).
Place Normally Open to reset the current value of the counter, and the specified variable (e.g.; Reset Switch).
Also place the coil which has been allocated Counter Reset Bit (Down Counter. R) ahead of Normally Open.
2. |
Place Data Display on the screen, and allocate the variable "PV (e.g.; Down Counter. PV)", which you have set on "CTD", to Monitor Word Address.
Place the Bit Switch on the screen, and allocate the variable (e.g.; Reset Switch), which you have set on "NO (Normally Open)", to Bit Address.
Settings completed.