



 What Instructions are there?
Please refer to the list of Instructions which are available on Logic Program. You can use all of the instructions below with suppoting models.

 Instruction Name
 Basic Instruction
 Bit Basic
 Normally Open
 Normally Closed
 Negative Out
 Pulse Basic
 Positive Transition
 negative Transition
 Program Control
 Jump to Subroutine
 Repeat number of times
 Reverse processing
 Power Bar Control
 Power Bar Reset
 Logic Wait
 Timer Instruction
 On Delay Timer
 Off Delay Timer
 Pulse Timer
 Accumulate On Delay Timer
 Accumulate Off Delay Timer
 Counter Instruction
 Up Counter
 Down Counter
 Up / Down Counter
 R/W Instruction
 Time Read/Write
 Time Read
 Time Set
 Date Read/Write
 Date Read
 Date Set
 Operation Instruction
 Time Operation
 Time Addition
 Time Subsruction
 Logical Operaton
 Logical AND
 Logical OR
 Logical XOR
 Logical NOT
 Move (Copy)
 Block Move (Block Copy)
 Full Move (Multiple Copy)
 Shift Left
 Shift Right
 Arithmetic Shift Left
 Arithmetic Shift RIght
 Rotate Left
 Rotate Right
 Rotate Left with Carry Over
 Rotate Right with Carry Over
 Function Instruction
 Calculate Function
 Square Root
 Bit Count
 PID Operation
 Trigonometric Function
 Arc Sine
 Arc Cosine
 Arc Tangent
 Log Base 10
 Compare Instruction
 Greater Than
 Greater Than Or Equal To
 Less Than
 Less Than Or Equal To
 Not Equal
 Time Compare
 Time Compare Equal
 Time Compare Greater Than
 Time Compare Greater Than
 Time Compare Less Than
 Time Compare Less Than Or Equal To
 Time Compare Not Equal
 Date Compare
 Date Compare Equal
 Date Compare Greater Than
 Date Compare Greater Than Or Equal To
 Date Compare Less Than
 Date Compare Less Than Or Equal To
 Date Compare Not Equal
 Convert Instruction
 Data Convert
 BCD Convert
 BIN Convert
 Convert to Radian
 Degree Convert
 Type Convert
 Convert Integer to Float
 Convert Integer to Real
 Convert Float to Integer
 Convert Float to Real
 Convert Real to Integer
 Convert Real to Float
 Convert Seconds
 Convert Seconds to Time
 I/O Driver Instruction
 SDO Read
 SDO Write
 Master Diagnostics
 Slave Diagnostics
 Change Pulse Output Parameter
 Change Acceleration/Deceleration Pulse
 Output Parameter Instruction
 Read Pulse Output Parameter Instruction
 Start Pulse Output Instruction
 Stop Pulse Output Instruction
 Change PWM Output Parameter
 Read PWM Output Parameter Instruction
 Start PWM Output Instruction
 Stop PWM Output Instruction
 Change High Speed Counter Parameter
 Read High Speed Counter Parameter
 Start High Speed Counter Instruction
 Stop High Speed Counter Instruction
 Confirm Pulse Catch Input Instruction
 Clear Pulse Catch Input Instruction
⇒ Click. here for the details of each instruction.
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