Can a new project file be transferred? |
Create a new project file and try to transfer the project file. If the new project file can be transferred, perform Rebuild to the project file that cannot be transferred and transfer it with Force System Setup.
Is the transfer cable appropriate? |
For transfer cables GP supports, see here.
→What kind of transfer cables are there? |
Is volume of the PC enough? |
An environment where expansion memory is installed and the installed system memory is 16M byte or more is required. |
Is C-Package installed correctly? |
Copy on Explorer and MS-DOS Prompt's COPY command and DISKCOPY command cannot be used.
Is it installed from CD-ROM?
Confirm available volume of the hard disk. |
Confirm that there's available volume of the hard disk.
When a project file is saved in a floppy disk, copy it to the hard disk and try to transfer it. |