


 Screens cannot be transferred.
The disk is full. File Format Error

Check the following items.

1. If data contained in a floppy disk are transferred, → To Countermeasure 1
2. If there's no available volume in PC's hard disk, → To Countermeasure 2
3. Cases except 1. 2. → To Countermeasure 3

Cause and Countermeasure

Cause Countermeasure
At the time of transfer, not only the project file's volume but also system information to operate GP, which is added automatically is transferred. Therefore, at that time, the floppy disk's volume may have been exceeded. Copy the data to PC's hard disk once and check again if they can be transferred or not.

Cause Countermeasure
At the time of transfer, not only the project file's volume but also system information to operate GP, which is added automatically is transferred. Therefore, at that time, the floppy disk's volume may have been exceeded. Reboot PC.
If the data cannot still be transferred, copy the data to another PC and check if they can be transferred from that PC or not.

Cause Countermeasure
The screen data may be damaged. Execute Rebuild once and check again if the data can be transferred or not. →How to execute Rebuild
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