Click the icon on your desktop or start button of Windows to start GP-PRO/PB3 C-Package.
When you start GP-PRO/PB3 C-Package from an icon on desktop
When you start GP-PRO/PB3 C-Package from the start icon of Windows
Create a new Project File after GP-PRO/PB3 C-Package starts.
The file which is made with GP-PRO/PB3 C-Package is called [Project File] and send the file to GP unit after you finish screen creation of switches, lamps, and alarms.
Please select the proper type from [GP Type] and [Connection Device] once [New] dialog box is displayed.
If the setting of [Connection Device] of PLC or Controller is wrong, communication error will be displayed when running. Please check the type of [Connection Device] before you start.
Please click and find the proper type with Device/PLC connection manual.
Once you click [OK], click [OK] again when a window as below displays.
[Drawing Board] will be open, then click the [New] icon in the left above.
Click [Base Screen]. [Base Screen] is the basic screen which arranges parts such as
switches and lamps. Other than [Base Screen], there are [Mark Screen] and [Trend Graph Screen], and they are the screens which arrange the special functions. Please chose [Base Screen] here.
[Base Screen] has made. Please arrange the parts and tags.
The actual way of screen creation is written specify in [Otasuke GP Seminar Textbook]. Please refer it.