


  The Lamps which have been created on L Tag (Indirect) don't change.

In case that Settings of L Tag is Indirect, you can select Trigger Type from 3 types as followings, [0->1], [1->0], [Indirect].
In case of Trigger Type [0->1] or [1->0], is Trigger Bit ON?

  Please check that Trigger Bit Address of L Tag and Bit Address of PLC are matched.
In case of Trigger Type [0->1] or [1->0], please set Trigger Bit ON/OFF by PLC by force.

  Please STOP the program of PLC and change Bit Address of PLC with Ladder Software or so on by force. Please confirm the Display of GP at that time.

Is the Screen Number which is stored on Word Address correct?

  Please store the Screen Number which will be displayed on Word Address designated on L Tag. If you store the Screen Number which doesn't exist, nothing will be displayed. Please check that the Word Address which is used on L Tag and the Word Address which is monitored on PLC are matched, and that there is no program which can be written in Word Address of L Tag on other Ladder Programs.
Please check Display Location.

  Please check whether the objects which you would like to display are located on the center point of the screen.

The center point of the screen which you would like to display is necessary to match on the coordinate of L Tag.

Please check overlaps with other Tags.

  If L Tags are put over another L Tag, or over other parts or tags, they will not be displayed correctly.
Try Rebuild or Force System Setup

  [Rebuild] is the tool for optimizing the project file. -> detail
After rebuild, transfer the project file by [Force system setup] again.Also turn on the check box of [Upload Information] and [GP system screen] at [Transfer Settings].
  How to set Force System Setup

Other Checking Points

Checking Number of Tags
The Number of Tags (including Parts) which are available on one screen (including Current Window Screen) is up to 128 for GP270/GP370/GPH70, up to 256 for GP70 Series, and up to 384 for GP77/ GP77R/GP2000 Series.

Depending on the Tags, Max Number which can be set is not 384(254/128) for some Tags.

Please refer Tag Reference Manual.

Simulation Mode

(GP70/77 Series only)

Please check whether Simulation Mode is displayed or not.

If you can see SIM-LINK at the bottom left of the screen on Offline Mode, Simulation Mode is running. When you transfer, please check off [Send Simulation Data] of [Transfer Settings] .

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