


 Error Code
 Error Message List
[There is no System Loader.]

Error Message Cause and Measures
Communication Error:The opponent agency isn’t responded Tried to communicate with the specified IP address, but there are no responding.
*1.Check the power source of Factory Gateway is on.
*2.Check the agency of specified IP address is Factory Gateway.?
*4.Check the network status LED of Factory Gateway is green lightning.
Communication Error:The opponent agency isn’t Factory Gateway. The specified agency of IP address exists, but communication isn’t established.
*3.Check Factory Gateway operates normally.
*4.Check the network status LED of Factory Gateway is green lightning.
Communication Error:The data of Factory Gateway is not able to read out. In the data reading out from Factory Gateway, error occurred.
*3.Check that Factory Gateway operates normally.
*4.Check that the network service LED of Factory Gateway is green lightning.
Communication Error:The data of Factory Gateway is not able to read out. During writing of the data into Factory Gateway, error occurred.
*3.Check that Factory Gateway operates normally.
*4.Check that the network service LED of Factory Gateway is green lightning.
Communication Error:There is some abnormality in communication. After the communicating with Factory Gateway, communication error occurred.
*3.Check that Factory Gateway operates normally.
*4.Check that the network service LED of Factory Gateway is green lightning.
Cancelled in inputting password. Requested the password to change protocol, but it was cancelled.There is some necessity to input new password in order to change protocol.
No PLC tables that are corresponded. The protocol information in Factory Gateway is not founded in PC.Check the protocol information in Factory Gateway is the protocol that is corresponded to Factory Gateway.Check the setting of Pro-Studio: such as [Setting (S)], and [System Setting], is correct.
No corresponded protocols. The protocol information in Factory Gateway is not founded in PC.
Check the protocol information in Factory Gateway is the protocol that is corresponded to Factory Gateway.Check the setting of Pro-Studio: such as [Setting (S)], and [System Setting], is correct.
No corresponded System Loaders. There are no programs in Factory Gateway to download the protocol.Check the setting of Pro-Studio: such as [Setting (S)], and [System Setting], is correct.
System Error From Factory Gateway, abnormal reply is received.Check the communication agency is Factory Gateway.Check Factory Gateway operates normally.

*1. Check the power supply of Factory Gateway is on.
  Check the adapted power supply is supplied to the specification.Check the power wire is connected to the electric terminal block.If the power supply is supplied correctly, PWR LED is green lightning.
*2. Check the agency of specified IP address is Factory Gateway.
  Search it again by using Factory Gateway Setting tool. If it is Factory gateway, it will be displayed [Factory Gateway ****] in the [list] of [agency type].It’s also possible to check by using Pro-Studio. In the Pro-Studio, select the agency that you want to check. If it is displayed [Factory Gateway****] in [Tool (T)], [Status Monitor], and [GP Type]; it is Factory Gateway.
*3. Check Factory Gateway operates normally.
  Select the agency in Pro-Studio that you want to check, and run Status monitor [Tool (T)], [Status Monitor]. Check that there aren’t written error codes in [Communication Error Code], [Communication Error Code (for extension)], and [2Way Error Code]. In [Communication Error Code], [Communication Error Code( for extension)]; error codes, which are from access devices of PLC and something, will be stored. The details of [2Way error codes], see here ( [Pro-Server with Pro-Studio Ver. 4.5 Operation Manual PDF:3,125KB] > [Appendices] > [A.2 Error Messages] ).
*4. Check that the network status of Factory Gateway is green lightning.
  Check that the network status of Factory Gateway is green lightning.If it is turned off, it isn't connected to Ethernet correctly.
Check that the Ethernet cable is connected correctly, and there are no mistakes in the cable selection of Ethernet cable (straight or cross).
If the networks status LED of multiple agencies are turned off, there is some problem in Ethernet itself.

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