



Which I/O devices are connectable?

If you install an EX module on an LT unit, analog input/output and thermocouple input will be allowed as well as the standard input/output as shown below.

* Internal communication between the LT unit and the EX module may experience a maximum delay of scan time +10 ms. Because the EX module (hardware) also has a delay, to calculate the actual delay time for inputs and outputs, you need to also add the EX module delay time.

The details of the EX modules are as follows.

- Standard Input Module
Product Name Model No. Description
EX Module
(8-point input module)
EXM-DDI8DT 8-point sink/source shared I/O Unit. 24VDC input signal can be connected.
EX Module
(16-point input module)
EXM-DDI16DT 16-point sink/source shared I/O Unit. 24VDC input signal can be connected.

- Standard Output Module
Product Name Model No. Description
EX Module
(8-point relay-output module)
EXM-DRA8RT 8-point relay output/2 common type I/O Unit.
EX Module
(16-point relay-output module)
EXM-DRA16RT 16-point relay output/2 common type I/O Unit.
EX Module
(8-point sink-output module)
EXM-DDO8UT 8-point transistor output sink I/O Unit.
EX Module
(8-point source-output module)
EXM-DDO8TT 8-point transistor output source I/O
EX Module
(16-point sink-output module)
EXM-DDO16UK 16-point transistor output sink I/O
EX Module
(16-point source-output module)
EXM-DDO16TK 16-point transistor output source I/O Unit.

- Standard I/O Module
Product Name Model No. Description
EX Module (4-point inputs/4-point relay-output module) EXM-DMM8DRT 4-point input sink-source/4-point relay-output/1 common type I/O Unit.
EX module (16-point inputs/8-point relay-output module) EXM-DMM24DRF 16-point input sink-source/8-point relay-output/1 common type I/O Unit.

- Analog Input Module
Product Name Model No. Description
EX Module
(2-ch analog-input module)
EXM-AMI2HT 2-ch analog Input Unit.
(Voltage DC0 to 10V / Current DC4 to 20mA)
EX module (Pt100/Pt1000/Ni100/Ni1000 input module) EXM-AMI4LT 4-ch temperature Input Unit.
(Voltage DC0 to 10V / Current DC0 to 20mA)
EX module (Pt100/Pt1000 input module) EXM-ARI8LT 8-ch temperature Input Unit.

- Analog Output Module
Product Name Model No. Description
EX Module
(1-ch analog-output module)
EXM-AMO1HT 1-ch analog Output Unit.
(Voltage DC0 to 10V / Current DC4 to 20mA)
EX module
(2-ch analog-output module)
EXM-AVO2HT 2-ch analog Output Unit.
(Voltage DC-10 to +10V )

- Analog I/O Module
Product Name Model No. Description
EX Module (Thermocouple Pt100 input/1-ch analog-output module) EXM-ALM3LT 2-ch temperature Input/1-ch analog Output Unit.
Pt100 Input
(Voltage Output DC0 to 10V / Current Output DC4 to 20mA)
EX Module (2-ch analog-input/1-ch analog-output module) EXM-AMM3HT 2-ch analog Input/1-ch analog Output Unit.
(Voltage I/O DC0 to 10V / Current I/O DC4 to 20mA)
EX module (4-ch analog-input/2-ch analog-output module) EXM-AMM6HT 4-ch analog Input/2-ch analog Output Unit.
(Voltage I/O DC0 to 10V / Current I/O DC4 to 20mA)

For detailed information on this unit for the LT3000 and other series, refer to Pro-face’s PDF manuals such as follows.
- LT3000 Series Hardware Manual
- GP3000 Series Hardware Manual
- GP-Pro EX Reference Manual "Controlling External I/O"
- Maintenance/Troubleshooting

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