



 How do I connect the EX module to the LT main unit?

"Installation requirements", " how to install" and "how to remove" for the EX module are instroduced below.

Attachment at the rear side of the LT
In order to improve maintenance performance, operability and aeration performance, provide the following amount of space between the LT that mounts the EX module, or the Hybrid Terminal Block (HTB) and other parts or structural objects.
*1 As with the LT, provide space (100 mm [2.94 in.]) between the EX module on the rear side of the LT and other structural objects ( the EX module as a unit requires 80 mm [3.15 in.] space).

Be sure to clamp the I/O cables wired for EX module within 200 mm [7.87 in.] position from the connector to prevent EX module’s damage.

1. Peel off the label from the EX module interface on the rear side of the LT.
2. Attach the first EX module to the rear side of the LT. Insert the extension connector at the left side of the first EX module to the EX module interface (EXT1) of the LT. Attach the second and third EX modules in a similar manner.
3. Push down the latch buttons on the top to secure the EX module to the LT.
Make sure to fix the EX modules to the LT securely using the latch buttons.
Up to two EX modules can be connected to the rear side of the LT-3200 Series.
- Up to three EX modules can be connected to the rear side of the LT-3300 Series. Only the third EX module must be fixed with the securing hook attached to the LT
- As for EXM-DMM24DRF and EXMARI8LT, only one EX module can be connected to an LT.
  * Before the insertion step, determine the position of the rectangular hole. The appropriate position varies depending on the combination of the EX modules that you use.

To remove the EX module, push up the latch buttons to unlock it.

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