


 What are the differences between ultra high-brightness models and standard models?

For visibility enhancement, ultra high-brightness models use the twice brighter LCD than that of standard models. Ultra high-brightness models are the most suitable display unit if you use one in a place where the sunlight comes into.
The panel cutout dimensions of ultra high-brightness models are same as those of standard models.
This allows you to replace standard models with ultra high-brightness models without changing the panel cutout.
Features and differences between ultra high-brightness models and standard models are as follows.
For the details of each unit, see GP3000 Series Hardware Manual.

- GP3300 Series
Model GP-3300U GP-3300T
Panel size, resolution 5.7" QVGA (320×240)
Display type Ultra-high luminance TFT TFT
Display colors 65,536 colors (No blink) / 16,384 colors (3-speed blink)
Luminance of LC part 1000 cd/m² 500 cd/m²
Backlight Cold-cathode tube
(Not user-replaceable; when replacement is required, send the unit back to Pro-face. The set of LCD will be replaced.)
Cold-cathode tube
(Not user-replaceable; when replacement is required, send the unit back to Pro-face.)
Service life of backlight (continuous operation at 25oC) 75,000 hours 50,000 hours
Power consumption 26W or less

- GP3600 Series
Model GP-3600U/3650U GP-3600T/3650T
Panel size, resolution 12.1" SVGA (800×600)
Display type Ultra-high luminance TFT TFT
Display colors 65,536 colors (No blink) / 16,384 colors (3-speed blink)
Luminance of LC part 800 cd/m² 300 cd/m²
Backlight LED backlight
(Not user-replaceable; when replacement is required, send the unit back to Pro-face.)
Cold-cathode tube
(Not user-replaceable; when replacement is required, send the unit back to Pro-face.)
Service life of backlight (continuous operation at 25oC) 40,000 hours 50,000 hours
Power consumption 26W or less

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