You can get the status of the connected display unit. Or, you can vary the response timeout value to confirm the connection.
Function Name
INT WINAPI GetNodeProperty(LPCSTR sNodeName,DWORD dwTimeLimit,LPSTR osGPType,LPSTRosSystemVersion,LPSTR osComVersion,LPSTR osECOMVersion);
sNodeName: The station name is fixed as #WinGP.
dwTimeLimit: (In) Response Timeout Value
Set up range is 1 to 2,147,483,647 in millisecond units
(When zero is set up, the default value is 3000 milliseconds)
The following areas return information about object stations.
Please reserve 32 bytes or more of memory.
osGPType: (Out) Model code
osSystemVersion: (Out) System version
osComVersion: (Out) PLC protocol driver version
is empty.
osECOMVersion: (Out)2Way driver version
is empty.
Return value (NULL)
Normal End: 0
Problem: Error code