Function that obtains the display unit's current time as a character string (Variant format). This function is valid only with the time stored in LS2048 (6 words).
Function Name
DWORD WINAPI EasyGetGPTimeStringVariant(LPCSTR sNodeName, LPCSTR sFormat, LPVARIANT ovTime);
sNodeName: The station name is fixed as #WinGP.
pFormat: Retrieves string as a time formatted string. Formatting codes following the percent sign (%) are replaced as shown in the following table. Other characters are not converted and display as is. (For details, refer to the "Special Items"section in "Function for Reading String Type on the IPC.")
ovTime: Retrieves time string as VARIANT format, which internally is the BSTR format
Return value (NULL)
Normal End: 0
Problem: Error code