Getting Result of Queuing Device Read/Write Request

Asks to check whether the device access to ExecuteQueuingAccess() succeeded or not after ExecuteQueuingAccess() is called.

Function Name

INT WINAPI IsQueuingAccessSucceeded(INT iIndex);


iIndex: (In) Request check on number

When BeginQueuingWrite() or BeginQueuingRead() is called, API for device access is called several times to queue the device access requests until ExecuteQueuingAccess() is called. However, the actual device access results are only available after ExecuteQueuingAccess() is executed.

To find out the result of device access, indicates a request number (a number from 0) of the device after ExecuteQueuingAccess() is executed.

Return value (NULL)

XX: Error Code

0: Device access to the specified number was successful.

Special Item

For example:


To check whether access to "LS200" in "Node 1" was successful with the above registration, use IsQueuingAccessSucceeded(1).

If 0 is returned, the access was successful.