38.9.3 Device Access API


API is to read/write to a device/PLC communication with WinGP or a device in WinGP from the user-created program (application).

Supported Languages

The following five program languages can be used for the device access API.

DDL file for API communication

This API is provided in a DLL file and depending on the supported language, the saved location and reference DLL file may be different.

Save in: WINDOWS folder

DLL file name: ProEasy.dll ProEasy.dll

Save in: Saved location: [WinGP Installation Path]\SDK\PRO-SDK\DotNet\bin

DLL file name: WinGPAPIDotNet.dll

Devices WinGP SDK can access

The WinGP SDK has access to PLC device and USR, LS Area and symbols and logic instructions variables registered in GP-Pro Ex.