API is to read/write to a device/PLC communication with WinGP or a device in WinGP from the user-created program (application).
Supported Languages
The following five program languages can be used for the device access API.
Visual C++
Visual Basic 6.0
Excel VBA
With VB.NET and C#, you cannot use the following general data or group symbol API. Even if the API is used, its operation is not guaranteed.
(General data (Variant type) and Group Symbol (Variant type) API can be used.)
DDL file for API communication
This API is provided in a DLL file and depending on the supported language, the saved location and reference DLL file may be different.
When using Visual C++, Visual Basic 6.0, Excel VBA
Save in: WINDOWS folder
DLL file name: ProEasy.dll ProEasy.dll
When using VB.NET, C#
Save in: Saved location: [WinGP Installation Path]\SDK\PRO-SDK\DotNet\bin
DLL file name: WinGPAPIDotNet.dll
If Pro-Server EX is installed, the saved location is different.
Save in : Saved location: [Pro-Server EX Installation Path]\PRO-SDK\DotNet\bin
DLL file name: ProEasyDotNet.dll ProEasyDotNet.dll
Devices WinGP SDK can access
The WinGP SDK has access to PLC device and USR, LS Area and symbols and logic instructions variables registered in GP-Pro Ex.
To use structure variables of logic instructions, you need to use the parameters below.
ReadSymbol / ReadSymbolVariant / WriteSymbol / WriteSymbolVariant as interface
For details on using a structure variable in the logic instruction, see the following. Bit data access
You cannot use a logic instruction's real variable or R_device.