Function to acquire free space on the CF Card in bytes.
Function Name
INT WINAPI EasyGetCfFreeSpace(LPCSTR sNodeName, INT* oiUnallocated);
INT WINAPI EasyGetCfFreeSpaceEX(LPCSTR sNodeName, INT* poiUnallocatedL, INT* poiUnallocatedH);
sNodeName: The station name is fixed as #WinGP.
oiUnallocated: Free Space on CF Card (Acquired in byte units)
poiUnallocatedL: Free space on CF card (lower 4 bytes)
poiUnallocatedL: Free space on CF card (higher 4 bytes)
Return value (NULL)
Normal End: 0
Problem: Error code
Special Item
Use EasyGetCfFreeSpaceEX() when the available space has exceeded the range (approx. 4GB) defined with INT.