Show Only Differences
Selecting the [Show Only Differences] check box shows screens for which [Comparison] is not [Same]. For [Transfer] of recipe groups having [Same] in [Comparison], set to [Do Not Transfer].
List Box
Group ID
Displays [Group ID] for recipe groups.
Group Name (PC)
Displays recipe group [Name] on the GP-Pro EX side. "---" means that groups do not exist.
Group Name (display unit)
Displays recipe group [Name] on the display unit side. "---" means that groups do not exist.
Displays the result of comparison for recipe groups on both the GP-Pro EX and the display unit, as explained below..
PC Only
The recipe group exists on the GP-Pro EX side, but not on the display unit.
Display Unit Only
The recipe group exists on the display unit, but not on the GP-Pro EX side.
The recipe group exists on both the GP-Pro EX and display unit sides, but the contents are different.
A recipe group with the same contents exists on both the GP-Pro EX and display unit sides.
Click and select one of the following transfer methods.
Do Not Transfer
The recipe group on the GP-Pro EX side is not transferred.
The recipe group on the GP-Pro EX side is transferred.
The recipe group on the display unit is deleted.
For recipe groups having [PC Only] in [Comparison], you cannot select [Delete].
For recipe groups having [Display Unit Only] or [Same] in [Comparison], you cannot select [Send].
You can also set the [Transfer] settings by clicking (/
) on the top part of the [List Box]. Selecting multiple columns and clicking these buttons applies the settings to all selected columns.
Do not transfer ()
How Send Works ()
Delete ()
Transfer the contents specified in [Transfer] to the display unit.