When a logic program is "enabled," a maximum 6% delay may occur temporarily.
When communicating a large volume of data (for example, sequential address = 960 Words) on a PLC over Ethernet (for example, Mitsubishi Electric's Q Series), a maximum 30% delay may occur.
When sending and receiving data using AGP Ethernet, take the scan time delay into consideration.
When data is communicated with a PLC (for example, Mitsubishi Q Series) that has several Ethernet connections, a max 100% delay may occur.
When a large volume of data (for example, 10KB) is communicated using Pro-Server EX (our product), a maximum 100% scan time delay may occur.
When accessing memory for a large volume of data (for example, 10KB) with Pro-Server EX, take the scan time delay into consideration.
When data is communicated using the MPI protocol, a maximum 30% delay may occur.