Even though parts are grouped, you must drag and drop addresses and colors to individual parts, not the entire group.
In the display unit of the matrix touch panel technology, set the touch area, where the touch-enabled parts (switches, data display units, key parts, etc.) are placed, to more than 20x20 pixels. Then, place the parts on the screen to connect the grid. Make sure that the touch area of parts do not overlap.
To display the touch area of a part, from the [View] menu click [Preferences]. In the Preferences dialog box, click [Screen Edit Style] to open its settings. Click [Display] tab and select [Show Touch Areas].
When using the GP3000 Series, LT3000 Series, or ST3000 Series, set the X-coordinate and width of the following parts in 4-pixel increments. If not set properly to 4-pixel increments, the values will be automatically adjusted to 4-pixel increments.
Window Screens
Data Display Pop-up Keypad
Selector List
Special Data Display [File Manager]
Remote PC Access (RPA)
Movie Player
Image Unit Display
Image Sensor Display