You can use EZ Illuminated Switch as an external switch, lamp or function key. You can also use it to check status of alarms by linking it with alarm history.
Block Designation
You link the EZ Illuminated Switch with the alarm history using blocks as a unit. You can use either [All blocks] or [Select blocks]. What is linked with the EZ Illuminated Switch varies depending on which option is selected.
All blocks
Monitor/operate all alarm history in the display unit with the EZ Illuminated Switch. Assign alarm status (one from either triggered/acknowledged/recovered) to separate switches on the EZ Illuminated Switch.
Individual Specification
Monitor/operate alarm history for each line/equipment with a single switch. Link alarm history to monitor/operate each switch on the EZ Illuminated Switch. You can change colors of switches depending on the alarm status and level.
Function Key
In order to link the EZ Illuminated Switch with alarm, you must assign a lamp alarm part.
If you want to display alarm history for the whole project, set a lamp alarm part to a global function. If you want to display alarm history for each screen, set a lamp alarm part to a screen function (local function).
Global Function
The switch flashes when an alarm occurs in any screen.
Local Function
The switch flashes when an alarm occurs in the specified screen. It does not flash when an alarm occurs in any other screen.
You cannot press multiple switches simultaneously on EZ Illuminated Switch. If you do, the switch you pressed first will function. However, you can touch a touch panel and press a switch on the EZ Illuminated Switch at the same time.
Lighting of the EZ Illuminated Switch for which Alarm is Linked
The state that you can set up for the lamp depends on the alarm history display method (History/Log/Active).
Displays the Triggered, Acknowledged, and Recovery states.
Displays the Triggered and Acknowledged states.
For differences in the alarm history display methods, please see the following.20.4 Acknowledging the Alarm History