For Those Using GP-4100 Series

The GP-4100 series has the following special features and limitations.

GP-4100 Series Special Features

Parts and Features Unsupported by GP-4100 Series


System Settings

Common Settings


Limitations for Parts and Features on GP-4100 Series

Support for the following parts and features is limited on GP-4100 series.

Part / Feature

Other Items / Limitations

Switch Lamp

  • Cannot output to AUX port.

  • Cannot get operation log.

  • You can use only the following Special Switches.

  • Window Display Switch

  • Alarm History Switch (except switches you cannot set up in an alarm part)

  • Historical Trend Graph Switch

  • Security (log on, log off)

  • Operation Lock (supported by GP-4104 only)

  • Start Monitor Switch (Device Monitor)

  • Reset

  • Offline

  • Transfer Device/PLC Data

Data Display

  • You cannot define the position of the system keypad.

  • Cannot get operation log.

  • From the [System Settings], [Display Unit], in the [Display] tab you cannot use the [Synchronize Text Display language with Text Table] option.

Keypad / Key Parts

  • From the [Package] window, you can use the [DEC Keyboard] keypads only.

  • You cannot use Key parts for the Front End Processor (FEP) or AUX output.

  • You cannot connect a USB keyboard.

  • When using text keypads, you may have to touch a key multiple times to determine the character you want to enter.

Historical Trend Graph

  • Cannot use the [Display Historical Data] tab's [Show Cursor] and the [Time Display] tab's [Selected Time] options.

  • Cannot zoom in and zoom out.


  • You cannot use [Scroll], [Refine Search/Sort], [Alarm Analysis], and [Start Ladder Monitor] operation switches.

  • Cannot use the Summary display.

  • Cannot set up animation.

  • Cannot use Multiple Line Display for alarm messages.

  • Cannot use the Sub Display's [Text Display Change] or [Movie] Modes.

  • You cannot select the [Item] tab's [Address] options.

Message Display

  • Cannot use Bulletin Messages.

Window Screens

  • Cannot set up [Disable touch outside windows].

  • You can edit the window size and display position in 1 pixel units.

Picture Display

  • You cannot use features that require a CF Card.

Trigger Action

  • Cannot use Special Actions.


Common Settings [Global D-Script]

Common Settings [Extended Script]

  • When communicating with external equipment, even if you set the communication format to RS232C you cannot set up the 5V power supply.

  • Cannot use multiple data formats in the same script.

  • Cannot use the following programming functions.

  • Extended Script - [File Operation] copy file

  • [CF File Operation] and [USB File Operation] - Delete File, Output File List, Read File, Read CSV File, Change File Name, Write File, and Label Settings

  • [Printer Operation] - Send and Label Settings

  • [Others] - Start Application and Exit WinGP


Common Settings [Alarm]

  • Alarm history data is saved to virtual backup memory.

  • In the [Alarm Type], cannot select the [Extended] option.

  • Cannot get the data value associated with an alarm message.

  • Cannot use Multiple Line Display for alarm messages.

  • Cannot use the Summary display.

  • Cannot print.

  • Cannot output to a CSV file.

  • You can specify the frequency of saving alarm history.
    20.12.1 Common Settings (Alarm) Settings Guide

Common Settings [Sampling]

  • Cannot save to virtual backup memory. Turning off the display unit erases sampled data.

  • Cannot print.

  • Cannot write calculated data to internal devices.

Common Settings [Recipe]

  • Cannot transfer recipes (CSV data).

  • Cannot save filing data to an external storage.

  • [Preparing Transfer] saves filing data to virtual backup memory.
    26.11 File Data Flow

Common Settings (Symbol Variables) Settings Guide

  • Available only when using [Word Address] or [Bit Address]. Cannot use variables.

Common Settings [Text Table]

  • Cannot use [Expand index count].

  • From the [Utility] menu, cannot use [Create Display Unit File].

  • From the [System Settings], [Display Unit] link, in the [Extended Settings] tab's [Load Text Table] area, cannot use [Enable Load Text Table].

Common Settings [Security]

  • Cannot export passwords.

  • In the [Set Security Level For Each Feature], you can use [Offline Mode] only.


  • Cannot use [Anti-alias] with image fonts.

  • Cannot set up fixed sizes for Standard Font.

  • From the [System Settings], [Display Unit], in the [Extended Settings] tab's [Compatibility] dialog box, you cannot use the [Draw Using Standard Font] option.

Bar Code

  • You can set up only one bar code reader.

  • You can use only USB-connected bar code and two-dimensional code readers. When connecting a bar code reader to the display unit, make sure you supply the bar code reader with an external power source (such as self-powered USB hub). The display unit cannot supply power. Otherwise the display unit could reset.

System Variable

  • Among HMI system variables, you can use only variables associated with features supported by the display unit. Cannot use logic system variables.


  • You can use Visibility Animation only.

Device Monitor

  • Cannot use monitor word block and monitor bit block.

  • Window size is fixed at 200x80.

  • Cannot minimize or move the window.

  • Cannot simultaneously monitor multiple equipment.

  • You can display up to 12 characters in an address.