Image Unit Window - Capture

Video snapshot

Captures a shot of the video picture from a single channel and saves it as a JPEG file. The size of the output image is 640 X 480 pixels for NTSC and 768 X 576 for PAL signals.

Captured Channel

Select the channel to capture.

JPG file number

In the [System Settings], select [Display Unit] and click the [Mode] tab. From [Screen Capture], select the [Capture Action] check box. For [Save in], when you select [FTP Server] option, this setting is disabled. In this case, the file number becomes a time stamp (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds).


Set a number to be the JPEG file name. The setting range is from 0 to 65535.

The saved file name is "CPXXXXX.JPG" (XXXXX is the specified value). The file will be stored in the "CAPTURE" folder in the CF or SD Card.

  • The file is always saved using the file name defined here. If a file with the same name already exists in the destination, that file will be overwritten.


Stores the file number to: [Video Control Address] + 2 specified in the system settings [Image Unit] settings.

  • For any destination other than the FTP server, you can add and delete file numbers by using the [Auto Increment File Number] option, available from the [System Settings], [Display Unit], in the [Mode] tab's [Screen Capture] area.

JPEG error codes





Completed Successfully

Processing successfully completed.


The JPEG image size exceeds 1024 X 768 pixels.

An attempt was made to display a JPEG image with an image size of 1024 X 768 pixels or more.*1


Unsupported sample ratio

An attempt was made to display a JPEG image created with an unsupported sample ratio.


Other compression/decompression error

An internal error occurred due to an unknown reason while taking a capture (compressing) or while displaying (expanding) a JPEG image.


No external storage

When capturing or when displaying a JPEG image, either the external storage is not inserted or the CF card cover is open.


Write Error

External storage does not have sufficient free space or was removed in the middle of a write operation.

SD card is write-protected.


Read Error

When displaying a JPEG image, either the file does not exist or external storage was removed while it was being read.


CF Card Error

The CF card is not properly formatted or is damaged


The video image cannot be saved.

When saving a video image in PAL, only the actual image size can be specified. If the size is specified as 1/4 or 1/16, the video image cannot be saved.

If the revision Number of the Image Unit is Rev.A-2 or higher, an error will not occur and the video image can be saved.


Automatic Increment File Count Error

When the [File Automatic Increment Function] is enabled in the system settings, and the JPEG file Number of the video capture was indirectly designated, an error will occur if the file Number exceeds 65535.

*1 An error occurs when the size of the expanded JPEG file exceeds 1024 X 768 pixels. It does not depend on the original JPEG image file. An error does not occur for JPEG files with 1024 X 768 pixels or more if the size is below 1024 X 768 pixels in the 1/4, 1/16, or 1/64 setting.

Video Capture Timing Chart

Even if the trigger bit turns OFF before the snapshot complete bit turns ON, the snapshot complete bit automatically turns OFF.