28.14 Computer's Mouse Cursor Operations from the Display Unit

To output the display unit's touch coordinates through serial communication, install the Pro-face mouse emulation software on your PC, and operate the PC mouse cursor from the display unit.

In addition to the mouse emulation software (Pro-face), please prepare the following before installing the image unit onto the display unit.

VM Unit/DVI Unit

RGB Unit

Setup Procedure

  1. From [System Settings] select [Image Unit Settings]. Select the [Emulate Touch Output] check box to configure the communication settings. Configure the mouse emulation settings on the PC.

  2. From the [Screen] menu, select [New Screen]. For the [Screens of Type] select [Image Unit Window] and click [New]. Double-click the displayed screen and open the setup dialog box. In the [Channel] list, select [RGB(IN)] and select the [Emulate Touch] check box.

  3. Draw the Image Unit display on the base screen and set up the window display settings.

Operation Method

Write "1" in the display unit's internal device address LS9230 to enable touch output. The touch information to be output will be written in LS9231 - LS9233.


Allowed/Not allowed

0: Not allowed, 1: Allowed


Touch State

0: Touch ON 1: Touch OFF


X coordinate

0 to 1023


Y coordinate

0 to 1023

When displaying two channels simultaneously on an RGB unit, touch information is written into the following areas.

Channel 0 Touch Information


Touch State

0: Touch ON 1: Touch OFF


X coordinate

0 to 1023


Y coordinate

0 to 1023

Channel 1 Touch Information


Touch State

0: Touch ON 1: Touch OFF


X coordinate

0 to 1023


Y coordinate

0 to 1023