System Settings
Configures the system settings for logic features.
Fixed Scan Time/CPU Scan Percentage
Selects the mode for logic scan time.
Fixed Scan Time
You can configure the time of each logic scan. The settings range from 10 ms to 2000 ms. Logic Scan Time, Fixed Scan
CPU Scan Percentage
You can configure the CPU utilization of logic scans. The settings range from 10% to 50%. Logic Scan Time, CPU Scan Percentage
WDT (Watchdog Timer) Settings
You can configure the monitoring time for the logic scan time. An error occurs if the logic scan time exceeds the WDT (Watchdog Time).
The settings range from 100 ms to 3000 ms.
>>Extended / <<Basic
Click [>>Extended] to specify the [Address Refresh] speed.
Address Refresh
Select the address refresh speed from [Low], [Medium], and [High].
Click [Retentive Settings] to display the [Retentive Settings] dialog box.
The retentive/volatile points can be specified for symbol variables in [Variable Format]. The retentive/volatile ranges can be specified for symbol variables in [Address Format].
Run at Start Up
Select an action for the display to perform when it starts up.
Logic Program Operation
Select the logic program status: [Run] or [Stop].
External Equipment Operations
Select the PLC/device operation state: [Synchronous] or [Asynchronous].
Exclude External I/O
Select whether to enable input/output from the I/O unit from [Enable] or [Disable].
Minor Errors
On minor errors, select the logic program operation, [Continue] or [Stop].