5.5.2 Common - Backlight Color Settings

This feature switches the backlight to red. It is useful when creating warning signals.

There are 16 condition settings available.

Action Mode, Action Address, Condition, Comment

Double-click the line to display the [Backlight Color Settings] settings dialog box. The selected settings are shown in the box.

Selecting [Bit Action] / Selecting [Word Action]

Action Mode

Select either [Bit Action] or [Word Action].


Enter your comment using up to 20 characters.

Change condition to red

Configure the conditions for switching the backlight to red.

Specifies whether to switch the color to red upon the specified [Bit Address] turning ON or OFF.

Displays in red when storing a value greater than the [Upper Limit] or less than the [Lower Limit]. The setting range between [Upper Limit] and [Lower Limit] is 0 to 65535.